GUNDAM - FILES - Feldt Grace

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Charakter - Guide
=> Aeolia Schenberg
=> Al Da Flaga
=> Alejandro Corner
=> Ali Al-Saachez
=> Allelujah Haptism
=> Amagi
=> Amy Zimbalist
=> Andrei Smirnov
=> Andrew Waltfeld
=> Anew Returner
=> Arnold Neumann
=> Arthur Trine
=> Asagi Caldwell
=> Athrun Zala
=> Auel Neider
=> Beside Pain
=> Bring Stabity
=> Bryn Sondheim
=> Cagalli Yula Athha
=> Chall Acustica
=> Christina Sierra
=> Clotho Buer
=> Courtney Heironimus
=> Dalida Lolaha Chandra II
=> Dearka Elsman
=> Deborah Galiena
=> Delphine Bedelia
=> Descartes Shaman
=> Devine Nova
=> E. A. Ray
=> Eco Calore
=> Eileen Canaver
=> Emilio Ribisi
=> Erica Simmons
=> Ezalia Joule
=> Feldt Grace
=> Flay Allster
=> Fon Spaak
=> Gai Murakumo
=> George Glenn
=> Gilbert Durandal
=> Goud Veia
=> Graham Aker
=> Grave Violento
=> Gundam Meister 874
=> Haro
=> Hayana
=> Heine Westenfluss
=> Henri Eugenie
=> Hermiya
=> Hiling Care
=> Hixar Fermi
=> Hong Long
=> Ian Vashti
=> Johann Trinity
=> Jackie Tonomura
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=> Joyce B. Moreno
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=> Lasse Aeon
=> Ledonir Kisaka
=> Leif Recitativo
=> Leonard Fiennes
=> Lichtendahl Tsery
=> Lewis Halberton
=> Linda Vashti
=> Lockon Stratos (Lyle Dylandy)
=> Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy)
=> Louise Halevy
=> Lord Djibril
=> Lowe Guele
=> Lunamaria Hawke
=> Marina Ismail
=> Marlene Vlady
=> Martin DaCosta
=> Mayura Labatt
=> Meer Campbell
=> Meyrin Hawke
=> Michael Trinity
=> Mileina Vashti
=> Miriallia Haw
=> Morgan Chevalier
=> Mudie Holcroft
=> Mu La Flaga
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=> Muruta Azrael
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=> Nena Trinity
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=> Patrick Colasour
=> Patrick Zala
=> Rasa Massoud Rachmadi
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=> Rondo Ghina Sahaku
=> Rondo Mina Sahaku
=> Ruido Resonance
=> Sai Argyle
=> Saji Crossroad
=> Selene McGriff
=> Setsuna F. Seiei
=> Sergei Smirnov
=> Shams Couza
=> Shani Andras
=> Sherilyn Hyde
=> Shinn Asuka
=> Shiho Hahnenfuss
=> Siegel Clyne
=> Sky Eclipse
=> Sol Ryuune L'ange
=> Soma Peries
=> Stella Loussier
=> Sting Oakley
=> Sulu Suluzu
=> Sumeragi Lee Noriega
=> Sven Cal Payang
=> Talia Gladys
=> Telicyra Herfi
=> Tieria Erde
=> Todaka
=> Tolle Koenig
=> Ulen Hibiki
=> Uzumi Nara Athha
=> Veda
=> Via Hibiki
=> Vino Dupre
=> Wang Liu Mei
=> Yolant Kent
=> Yuna Roma Seiran
=> Yuri Amalfi
=> Yzak Joule
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Feldt Grace
[14 Jahre] ◄► [19 Jahre]
Codname: Feldt Grace                                                              
Richtiger Name: Unbekannt

14 (A.D. 2307 - Season 1)
19 (A.D. 2312 - Season 2)
21 (A.D. 2314 - Movie)
Geburtsdatum: 28. Dezember 2293
Genetischer Typ: Mensch
Geschlecht: Weiblich ♀
155cm (A.D. 2307)
Unbekannt (A.D. 2312 - zurzeit)
42kg (A.D. 2307)
Unbekannt (A.D. 2312 - zurzeit)
Blutgruppe: B
Nationalität: Unbekannt
Haarfarbe: Pink
Augenfarbe: Grün
Liebe: Setsuna F. Seiei
Ruido Resonance (Vater, verstorben)
Marlene Vlady (Mutter, verstorben)
Celestial Being
Krung Thep
Rang: Celestial Being Mitglied

Mobile Suit Mechanikerin
CIC Anwenderin
Auftritt: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Seiyū: Ayahi Takagaki
Synchronsprecher: Henriette Hübschmann
Synchronsprecher: Chantal Strand

Feldt Grace (フェルト・グレイス, Feruto Gureisu) ist die CIC/AIC Anwenderin an Bord der CBS-70 Ptolemaios in Season 1 von Mobile Suit Gundam 00. In Season 2 kehrt sie als die CIC Anwenderin zur CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2 zurück.

Persönlichkeit & Charakter

Feldt ist eine nach innen gerichtete, stoische und private Person. Sie ist häufig ruhig und spricht auch nicht viel, jedoch gibt sie nur etwas von sich, wenn sie etwas dazu sagen kann bzw. möchte. Sie spricht gerne mit dem Haro von Lockon, doch ob es wegen einer früheren Bindung mit Haro oder ihrem persönlichen Sinn der Bequemlichkeit zu Maschinen ist, bleibt unklar. Feldt neigt auch dazu, ihre Gefühle für sich selbst zu behalten, kann sie aber auch nicht geheim halten. Außerdem erkennt man auch in der Serie, dass Feldt die Natur genießt und mit Maschinen zu arbeiten. Anders als Christina Sierra scheint sie kein Interesse für Mode zu haben, doch Feldt ist ebenso fröhlich wie sie. Jedoch, im Laufe der Geschichte von Season 2, öffnet sich Feldt und ist im Stande, ihre Gefühle selbst auszudrücken, anders als es in Season 1 war.

Sachkenntnisse & Fähigkeiten

Sie ist ein Programmiererin, taktische Maschinennwenderin, und Ingenieurin/Mechanikerin an Bord der Ptolemaios und Ptolemaios 2. Da Feldt ebenso eine vielseitige Agentin von Celestial Being und ein Besatzungsmitglied der Ptolemy (Ptolemaios) ist, ist sie auch an allen Hauptoperationen von Celestial Being beteiligt. Wenn die Gundam Meister eine Intervention durchführen, ist es ihre Aufgabe, die Systemleistungen der Gundams sowie der Meister aktiv zu kontrollieren. Sie aktualisiert auch aktiv neue taktische Information und kann den Gundams entfernt wiederprogrammieren. Sollte sich Feldt aber nicht mit den Hauptkampfoperationen befassen, so erforscht sie die kritische Information, die dazu gehören, die zukünftigen Ziele und Hilfe der erhaltenen Systeme innerhalb der Ptolemy aufrecht zu erhalten.



Feldts Vergangenheit ist wie ein unvollständiges Bild, jedoch gehört sie zu den wenigen Leuten, die bei Celestial Being aufwachsen ist. Es ist unklar, ob sie mit der Organisation beteiligt war, als sie noch sehr jung war, aber ihre Eltern waren sehr stark daran beteiligt, weil sie die Gundam Meister der zweite Generation waren. Als Gundam Meister experimentierten die Eltern von Feldt an den früheren Modellen, um bei der perfektionierten Technologie zu helfen, der ein Weg für die Gundams der dritten Generation machte.Gundams.

Bewaffneter Weltinterventionsfeldzug

CIC Unterstützung

In der gesamten Serie war Feldt an den Interventionen der Gundam Meister beteiligt. Sie stellte taktische Unterstützung und Koordination für ihre Intervention in Ceylon (formell Sri Lanka, die ihren Bürgerkrieg stoppten), Südafrika (Streit über Bergbauresourssen), Talivia (Zerstörung Von Drogenanbau), Ceylon (eine Basis, die die Quelle des Konfliktes zitiert), Tarabia Republik (da sie die UN wegen der Solarenergieaufteilung verlassen), der niedrigen Orbital-Station (die unerwartete Rettungsmission von Allelujah koordiniert), Moralia (eine private Militärstation des PMC zu beseitigen), die Beseitigung der Terroristengruppe La Eden, Bekämpfung der HRL im Weltraum, Angriff auf die HRL Raumkolonie (Zerstörung ihre Supersoldat-Möglichkeiten), und Azadistan (den Bürgerkrieg stoppte). Zum nahen Ende der Serie schaffte sie auch, das Betriebssystem der Gundams zusammen mit Christina Sierra wiederzuprogrammieren, weil Veda wegen des Verdachts der Sabotage nicht mehr zuverlässig war.

HRL Gundam Kaperungsoperation

Als Celestial Being ihre Interventionen für einen kurzen Moment zur Seite schoben, plante die HRL, die Gundams im Weltall zu kapern, indem sie eine Reihe von E-Senoren im Weltraum sendeten, um Celestial Being zu entdecken. Die Besatzung und die Meister waren in ihrem verwundbarsten Moment als Dynames und Exia die Ptolemaios beschützten und die Mannschaft die R&R nahm.

Trauer & Lockons Tröstung

Während die Besatzung auf eine lockere Instandsetzung läuft, nahm sich Feldt Zeit in Anspruch, um allein zu sein. Der Grunjd war der gewesen, dass es der Jahrestag vom Tod ihrer Eltern, Ruido Resonance und Marlene Vlady, war. Feldt schrie im Sternwarte-Zimmer, als Lockon Stratos hereinging, "He, was tun Sie?" Feldt versuchte, ihre Augen zu wischen, aber Lockon kann sehen, dass sie aufgebracht und gefragt war, "Was ist falsch?" Feldt, der dann über ihre Elternteilbeteiligung mit der CB und ihren Todesfällen erklärt ist. Lockon war überrascht und gefragt, "So waren Ihre Eltern in Himmlisch Feldt Zu sein?" Sie antwortete, "waren Sie beide Gundam Meisters von der zweiten Generation." Lockon erwidert, "Ist dass so? Dank Ihrer Eltern kann ich heute kämpfen. So dann Feldt, kamen Sie mit dem Heimweh oder etwas herunter?" Feldt antwortet, "ist Heute der Jahrestag... ihres..." Lockon fragte, "Was geschah?" Feldt antwortete, "weiß ich nicht, weiß ich gerade, dass sie starben." Lockon das kommentierte, "Himmlisch, Mitglieder Seiend, haben einen strengen Code der Geheimhaltung. Ich weiß nichts über die gegenwärtigen Mitglieder sogar. Ich sehe..., dass es dasselbe für Eltern und ihre Kinder ist. Sie erholen sich, wo sie haha aufhörten?" Lockon zog dann ihren seiner linken Schulter näheren Kopf, um sie zu trösten. Er setzte fort, "Ein starkes Mädchen zu sagen. Ich bin Neil. Es ist mein echter Name. Neil Dylandy." Feldt, fragte "Ihr echter Name?" Lockon, antwortet "Ja ganz recht. Ich bin von Irland. Meine Eltern wurden von Terroristen getötet." Feldt, fragte "Warum...?" Lockon antwortete, "würde Es nicht schön sein, wenn Sie die einzigen wären, der Ihre Geschichte offenbarte." Feldt erwidert, "sind Sie eine freundliche Person." Lockon, antwortet "Mindestens mit Frauen." Ihr Moment wurde unterbrochen, als Allelujah hereinkam, um Lockon zu sehen. Allelujah war verlegen, weil er dachte, dass er zu zwei in ihrem privaten Moment unterbrach. Lockon sagte schnell, "bekommen die falsche Idee nicht!"

Living On

Trap in Taklamakan Desert

Trinity Armed Intervention Campaign

Meeting the Trinity's

Conflict with Team Trinity

Operation Fallen Angels

UN Forces Counteroffensive

Setsuna's Confirmations

Aeolia's Message

While stationed at Ptolemy, waiting for Setsuna's return and anticipating UN Forces, a series of events happened to trigger the following event. Alejandro Corner had just killed Aeolia Schenberg. Around the same time, Setsuna/Exia had engaged Ali Al-Saachez/Throne Zwei in a desperate battle of ideals. Coupled with these events, Aeolia Schenberg's system trap activated and released the 5 solar furnace's Trans-Am system and made a sudden appearance in a brief video to all of Celestial Being:

To those who use GN Drives:

I don't know whether you will carry my will, however I entrust you my final hope to you, full utilization of your GN Drives. I hope that you will use them and fight your hardest for the sake of ending war and bringing about a new peace. Not for the sake of Celestial Being, but for the sake of your own wills, as those who have Gundams.

Second Round

Mourning Lockon

Some moments after, Setsuna went along with Haro to Dynames' cockpit to bid a last farewell to Lockon. Then Feldt Grace arrived and left a letter she had written for Lockon. She then asked if Setsuna had someone to write a letter to, at which Setsuna answered that he didn't have anyone. Feldt thought that was lonely, but Setsuna explained that the one who was lonely was Lockon, so he then asked Haro to go and keep him company. Feldt also asked Haro to look for Lockon and then thanked him. After that the alarms were triggered and the crew had to get ready for battle. To their surprise a golden GN Mobile Armor with 7 false GN Drives appeared, it was GNMA-XCVII Alvatore). Sumeragi had Lasse and Setsuna break through the UN Forces offensive line to destroy Alvatore.

Last Stand

UN Forces and Alejandro Corner attacked the Ptolemaios. The other Gundams were preoccupied engaging enemy units, and the ship was damaged. A GN-X shot and severely damaged the bridge, while Lichtendahl shielded her from the blast. Chris realized what Lichty had done and told Lichty she was blind not to appreciate a great guy like him, Lichty was glad to hear, but died shortly. Chris hugged Lichty's body and told Feldt to take care of herself. Feldt didn't understand why Chris sound so morbid, but it's revealed a large shard of shrapnel pierced Chris's back and her space suit was compromised. She was dying from internal bleeding and coughing up blood. Chris begged the others to change the world, at which point the bridge exploded, vaporizing Lichtendahl and herself.


After the battle, Feldt and the surviving Ptolemy crew returned to one of their resource satellites to salvage their losses and reconnoiter their situation. CB recovered Tieria Erde, Nadleeh's and Kyrios' GN Drives were recovered, however Setsuna/Exia and Allelujah/Kyrios were never found; it's believed that both Meisters and Gundams didn't survive the final battle, but without conclusive evidence, they were deemed MIA. With the world uniting in peace, CB is no longer needed and thus interventions are no longer necessary. Feldt and the surviving crew focused on rebuilding by developing new support crafts and Gundams when conflict returns. Four years later, AD 2311, Celestial Being continues rebuilding their organization. Feldt has since been transferred to the CB engineering team to develop GN-0000 00 Gundam and CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2 in one of their resource satellites.

Celestial Being Returns

The year is now 2312 (5 years later), the authoritarian Earth Sphere Federation (AEU, Union, and HRL united as a single entity) has begun an aggressive campaign of unification through their autonomous military force, A-Laws. The united and peaceful world never came, it has only evolved into another source of conflict. Feldt and the rest of Celestial Being quietly prepared for their return to destroy A-Laws.

Search for Setsuna

Feldt has been assisting Ian in his Twin Drive System test runs on GN-0000 00 Gundam with little success. With all possible GN Drive combinations attempted upon 00, Gundam Exia was the last one untested; Setsuna and Exia have been missing for about 5 years. The surviving Ptolemy crew believes that Setsuna is still very much alive and continued his mission without CB. Intelligence from Wang Liu Mei came in about A-Laws, they're going to intercept Katharon rebel forces at space colony Proud. The crew decided to embark with their new mothership, CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2, to search for Setsuna. They believed that if there's conflict and Setsuna is alive, he would be likely be there to take action.

Tieria/Seravee sortied ahead to investigate Proud and later notified crew members that Setsuna and Exia were found. Feldt was relieved to know that Setsuna had survived all this time.

Holding off A-Laws

Rescue Allelujah Haptism

Anti A-Laws Campaign

Middle East Conflict

Underwater Attack

Katharon Massacre

Defending Katharon

Search & Rescue Allelujah

After A-Laws retreated. Feldt couldn't locate Allelujah/Arios and reported the problem to everyone over the comm was reported missing. Sumeragi just walked in (from the infirmary) and quickly commanded, "Find Arios' last point of combat in the mission recorder! After retrieving 00, send Seravee and Cherudim on a search for Arios!" Feldt along with Meleina quickly went to work on their orders. For the remaining part of the day and night, Feldt and the bridge crew maintained communications as they continued their coordinated search & rescue mission. After a day's worth of searching, Meleina reported, "There'sa signal from Haro! They found Mr. Haptism!" Feldt happily relayed that message over the comm, "Allelujah's been found!", much to the relief to all the meisters. Just then, Meleina tells everyone, "Oh! It looks like he's with a girlfriend!" Feldt blushed and reacted with surprise along with the bridge crew.

Resenting & Reconciling with Soma Pieries

Allelujah was giving Marie a tour of Ptolemy when they bumped into Feldt. Allelujah wanted to introduce Marie and Feldt to each other, but Feldt wasn't too happy before the two. Allelujah said "I haven't given you a proper introduction, have I? She'll be living on Ptolemy with us, this is-" Feldt angrily retorts, "Soma Peries! A pilot of the UN Forces we fought against 4 years ago. In that battle, we lost Christina...Lichty and Moreno. Also...Lockon Stratos!" Marie wanted to explain herself, but Allelujah interjected, "Hold on! Feldt, Marie wasn't-" Feldt upsettingly replied, "I know! 'It wasn't her fault! But...if I didn't say something...I couldn't go on!" Feldt then ran off to the nearest elevator and broke down in tears on the elevator floor. Allelujah later found Feldt alone in one of the observation rooms. He apologized for Marie and Feldt replied, "I'm useless aren't I...? I thought I had to stay resolute, but because of everyone's kindness I became a spoiled child..." Allelujah smirked and said, "It's alright, we're family after all..." After clearing her head, she decided to reconcile with Marie.

Feldt headed to Marie's quarters to talk. To Marie's surprise, Feldt visited her and said, "I"m sorry about before. I let my emotions get the best of me." Marie replied, "No, it's alright." After Marie accepted her apology, Felt was leaving when Mari stopped her. Mari asked, "'You really do treasure everyone here, don't you?" Feldt happily replied, "They're my family, you see."

Return to Lagrange 3

Trans-Am Launch
Innovator Encounter
Maintenance at L3

Destroy Memento Mori

Innovator Revelation

As the crew was about to prepare for Memento Mori, Tieria stopped everyone to reveal the existence of Innovator and their intentions. The crew finally learned of the shadow group of living bio-terminals that was responsible for creating Team Trinity, the three Throne Gundams, and 30 GN-X units with false GN Drives to the United Nations. Lyle asked why didn't Tieria say anything sooner. Tieria reasoned his silence was because he was conflicted as Innovator claimed to follow Aeolia Schenberg's plan. Setsuna announced with confidence, "I'll destroy them...I'll defeat A-Laws and exterminate Innovator...I will, through my own will." The crew concurs with his sentiment.

A-Laws Preemptive Strike
Charging to Memento Mori

Crashed & Hunted on Earth

Just as the Ptolemy II crew enjoyed their victory over destroying Memento Mori, Innovators came for a surprise attack at their weakest moment. Bring/Garazzo, Revive/Gadessa, and Divine/Empress attacked Ptolemy II and breached the port stern. With all the Gundams still recharging their GN particles from the Memento Mori battle, there was no chance to retaliate. Ptolemy II used the inertia of their assault to speed their descent to Earth while releasing a smoke screen to partially blind the Innovators and exaggerated the damage they've sustained. The ship and crew survived crash landing back on Earth and began emergency repairs. With the exception of functional engines, their weapons, navigation, and communications have been badly damaged. On top of that, Setsuna/00 Raiser got separated from the group during the Innovators attack. Ptolemy II is now relying on the camouflage system to keep them temporarily safe from A-Laws detection as they try to restore the mothership to working order. Unknown to the crew, A-Laws and Innovators are secretly tracking their position through Anew Returner.

Coup d'état Save

After Katharon resupplied Ptolemy II, the ship and crew headed towards the coast. Suddenly, there was a tactical alert, A-Laws have found them again. A-Laws have launched a heavy assault, consisting of A-Laws (GN-X IIIs and Aheads) and Innovators MS (Revive/Gadessa, Healing/Gadessa, and Divine/Empress) units, a total of 36 enemy units along with a mobile armor (Empress). While the Gundams hold off A-Laws, Ptolemy II and crew take cover in the mountainous terrain for limited protection. Just as the situation looks bleak, a sudden A-Laws recall order was made. AEU's orbital elevator has just been occupied by a rogue faction of the Federation army, coup d'état.

The crew eventually learned of the coup d'état at the AEU orbital elevator in Africa. Everyone believes that heading there is the best place to find Setsuna as he's likely to do the same. Once the crew reached in proximity of the AEU elevator, Setsuna/00 Raiser was found engaging Mr. Bushido/Masurao.

Break Pillar Incident

Battle at AEU Elevator
Post Break Pillar Seclusion
Destroy Memento Mori No.3

Taking Back Veda

Innovator Capture Operation
Rendezvous at Lagrange 5
Battle Towards Lagrange 2

Sometime later, the crew reached in range of their destination and the Meisters prepared to sortie. As Setsuna headed to the MS container bay, Feldt appeared. Feldt presented Setsuna a desert flower that Linda had grown in the lab. Setsuna did not show any excitement over the gift, but thanked Feldt for the sentiment. Feldt thought out loud, “I wonder if Marina will get mad at me for this…” Setsuna replied, “I don’t have that kind of relationship with her. I’m going to my Gundam now.” As Setsuna left, Feldt told him, “Don’t die Setsuna!” Setsuna replied, “Roger” and prepared to launch. Setsuna/00 sortied with Saji/0 Raiser to form 00 Raiser for battle.

Last Mission

Final Confrontation


With A-Laws and Innovators defeated, peace as returned throughout the solar system, as a reformed Federation disbands the A-Laws and return the sovereignty to the nations they subjugated. Setsuna along with the Ptolemy crew returned to Earth for some unfinished business. After leaving behind Saji, Louise, Allelujah, and Marie/Soma, the remaining Ptolemy crew sets course to space (presumably towards one of their resource satellites). On board Ptolemy II, Setsuna tells the crew, "Let's go. We still have work to do." Feldt agreed, "We have to look after the world everyone gave their lives to change." Setsuna thinks in his mind, "We're Celestial Being. People who aim to end war. Even if it means rejection from the world, we'll continue to confront it! Even if it means the use of force, we'll live as a deterrence for the world. That's why we must continue to exist. For the future..." Setsuna is last seen Trans-Am-jetting towards space.

Rebuilding Celestial Being

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