GUNDAM - FILES - Setsuna F. Seiei

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=> Aeolia Schenberg
=> Al Da Flaga
=> Alejandro Corner
=> Ali Al-Saachez
=> Allelujah Haptism
=> Amagi
=> Amy Zimbalist
=> Andrei Smirnov
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=> Lockon Stratos (Neil Dylandy)
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=> Rondo Mina Sahaku
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=> Selene McGriff
=> Setsuna F. Seiei
=> Sergei Smirnov
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Setsuna F. Seiei

Codname: Setsuna F. Seiei                                                                    
Richtiger Name: Soran Ibrahim
Alias: Kamal Majirif
Alter: 16 (A.D. 2307 - Season 1)
21 (A.D. 2312 - Season 2)
23 (A.D. 2314 - Movie)
73 (A.D. 2364 - Movie Epilog)
Geburtsdatum: 07. April A.D. 2291
Genetischer Typ: Mensch (A.D. 2291 - 2321)
Innovator (A.D. 2312 - 2314)
ELS/Innovator Hybrid (A.D. 2314 - 2364+)
Geschlecht: Männlich ♂
Größe: 162cm (A.D. 2307)
175cm (A.D. 2312)
Gewicht: 49kg (A.D. 2307)
58kg (A.D. 2312)
Blutgruppe: A
Nationalität: Republik von Kurdis
Haarfarbe: Schwarz
Augenfarbe: Rot/Braun
Zugehörigkeit: KPSA (ca. A.D. 2299 - 2301)
Celestial Being (A.D. 2305 - 2314)
ELS (A.D. 2314 - 2364+)
Beruf: Celestial Being Mitglied
Mobile Suit:
A.D. 2307 Season 1/00F/00V AD 2312 Season 2/00V
AD 2314 Movie
In der Serie:
Auftritt: Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Seiyū: Mamoru Miyano 
Yuka Nishigaki (Kind)
Synchronsprecher: Konrad Bösherz
Synchronsprecher: Brand Swaile

Setsuna F. Seiei (刹那・F・セイエイ, Setsuna Efu Seiei) ist der Hauptcharakter der Story von Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Er ist ein Gundam Meister der paramilitärischen Organisation Celestial Being und ist der erste Innovator der Menschheit. In Season 1 steuert er den GN-001 Gundam Exia und in Season 2 mit Saji Crossroad als Co-Pilot den verbesserten GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser. Er steuert den GNT-0000 00 Qan[T] in Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer.

Persönlichkeit & Charakter

Setsuna ist eine schweigsame, verschlossene und ernsthafte Person, der gegen den Krieg ist. Er glaubt, dass es Schlüsselstörungen gibt, die die Welt davon abhalten, zusammen in Frieden und Harmonie zu leben. Er hat spezielle Personen benannt und/oder erzwingt so eine Quelle des Konflikts zum Pfad in der Welt zum Frieden. Er hat wenig Toleranz für Diplomaten und Politiker, da er glaubt, dass ihre Verhandlungen nur die Kriege verlängern und mehr Streit (wegen der persönlichen Erfahrung) verursachen. Er hat auch eine Blutrache, um sich zu beruhigen und seine früheren Kampferfahrungen rütteln alte bittere Gefühle auf, indem sein Kampfpotenzial als ein vorteilhafter Nebeneffekt wächst. Obwohl er nicht an einen Gott glaubt, stellt er oft die Motivationen von Gott mit Personen und weltlichen Ereignissen infrage.

Ich bin ein Gundam!

—Setsuna F. Seiei, Folge 19

Er vergöttert die Gundams so sehr, dass er den Gundam als sich selbst verkörpern will und sieht die Gundams als einziges Mittel an, um alle Konflikte auszurotten. Er ist ein Traditionalist in der Ehre und ein Märtyrer für seine Ursache bei Celestial Being; er würde nämlich nicht zögern, für seine Ideale zu sterben. In einem Brief an Prinzessin Marina Ismail offenbarte er seine Gefühle und seine Gedanken. Setsuna wollte die kleineren Aspekte der Menschheit verstehen und wissen, warum die Welt mit Personen und deren angeborenen dunklen Absichten gefüllt und vom Leid anderer Personen rücksichtslos wird. Er wollte ebenso wissen, warum Personen weiterhin kämpfen, um in solch einer gewaltsamen Welt zu leben. Er wollte diese Antworten zusammen mit seinem Gundam in der Hoffnung finden, um das gegenseitige Verstehen und den Frieden zu bringen.

Nach einer 5 jahrelangen Auszeit hat Setsuna die inoffizielle Rolle des Geschwaderanführers von Celestial Being angenommen. Er ist jetzt im Stande, seine Gefühle den Personen vorbehaltlos zu behaupten und auszudrücken. Die Ideale von Setsuna sind noch dieselben, aber seine neuen Erfahrungen haben ihn dazu gebracht, an die Wichtigkeit von der Selbständerung und dem Bedürfnis zu glauben, um eine bessere und hellere Zukunft zu kämpfen. Sein Entschluss und sein starkes Selbstbewusstsein motivieren und begeistern die Personen um ihn. Er versteht mehr und geht einen Kompromiss ein, aber er ist auch dazu fähig, harte aber notwendige Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Personen dazu bringen würden, ihn nicht zu mögen, geschweige zu hassen. Er hat keine Probleme, lebensdefinierte Entscheidungen für andere Personen zu treffen, wenn sie die Wahl nicht machen können und nötigenfalls töten würden.

Nachdem Setsuna ein Innovator wurde, wurde er wieder ruhig und zog sich vor seinen Freunden immer mehr zurück. Die Besatzungsmitglieder hatten Schwierigkeiten, sich mit seiner rücksichtslosen Natur zu befassen, aber sie taten ihr Bestes, sich an ihn anzupassen, weil sie glauben, dass er sich schließlich ändern wird. Sumeragi meint, dass es wahrscheinlich daran lag, dass er nun anders als die Anderen unter der Crew geworden ist und mit seine Innovator Fähigkeiten ihn verwirrten. Nach dem ELS Konflikt war Setsuna eine freundliche und warmherzige Person in seiner ewigen Mission geworden, das gegenseitige Verstehen zu fördern.

Sachkenntnisse & Fähigkeiten

Setsuna ist auf viele Weisen des Krieges und Kämpfens erfahren. Trainiert von Ali Al-Saachez in einem jungen Alter wusste Setsuna bereits, wie man mit einer breiten Reihe von Schusswaffen, Nahkampf, Gebrauch von Sprengstoffen, Infiltration und anderen Gebieten des Partisankämpferkriegs durch das unglaubliche Alter von 10 Jahren arbeitete. Als der Gundam Meister von Celestial Being verwendet er seine ehemalige Kampfausbildung in seinen KPSA Tagen, um den Kampfstil von Exia zu widerspiegeln. Er ist durch Celestial Being trainiert worden, um seine technische Mobile Suit Sachkenntnisse zu wissen, seinen Gundam aufrechtzuerhalten und zu reparieren.

Seine 5 jahrelange Auszeit mit Celestial Being war nicht schwerfällig mit seinen Steuerungssachkenntnissen, wodurch seine MS Kampf-Fähigkeiten als auch seine Mobile Suit CQC die Sachkenntnisse und das Zielen großer Verbesserung raffiniert zeigten. Wegen der Power des 00 Gundam haben sich die GN Particles mit "Trans-Am Raiser" konzentriert, sodass sich das Gehirn von Setsuna allmählich erhöht worden ist, um Quantum Gehirnwellen zu verwerten. Schließlich entwickelt er sich natürlich zum ersten wahren/echten Innovator der Menschheit.

Setsunas Innovator-Augen.

Setsunas Innovator Fähigkeiten werden nicht völlig definiert, weil er der erste natürlich entwickelte Innovator ist. Es muss noch offenbart werden, wenn er kann, mit Veda oder Celestial Beings Technologie zu kommunizieren, wie es die Innovades können. Er kann Bewegungen und Handlungen seiner Gegner und Sinnen voraussehen, der Gefahr von weiten Entfernungen droht. Bis es größere Klarheit gibt, beruhen viele seiner Innovator Fähigkeiten auf der Beobachtung und Spekulation.

Nachdem sich Setsuna den ELS anschloss, ist sein Körper nicht mehr völlig menschlich. Die ELS reformierten seinen Körper, die auf ihre Biotechnologie basiert ist, indem für immer seine Form als 23 Jähriger behielt, während er eigentlich 73 Jahre alt ist. Da sein Körper mit ELS Zellen bedeckt wird, gibt sein Körper wortwörtlich einen metallischen Schein von sich ab. Es ist unbekannt, ob Setsuna noch ein Mensch ist, oder ob er ein völlig assimilierter ELS mit seiner intakten Individualität ist.


Frühere Tage

Jugend in der Republik von Kurdis

Der junge Soran Ibrahim.

Soran Ibrahim (Setsuna) wurde in der Republik von Kurdis aufgezogen, bis er 10 Jahre alt war. Ali Al-Saachez trat in Sorans Leben ein, als in derselben Zeit Azadistan Krieg gegen die Republik von Kurdis führte, irgendwann vor dem Jahr A.D. 2301. Soran und seine Freunde hörten Saachez zu, über das Kämpfen einen Heiligen Krieg zu prädigen im Namen Gottes und schlossen sich schließlich zu einer Antiregierungspartisanskämpferorganisation mit dem Namen KPSA, für Gott und ihr Land. Er erschoss dabei seine eigenen Eltern unter Saachez' "göttlichen" beeinflussten Befehl, um seine Hingabe zu Gott und zu seinen Kameraden der KPSA zu beweisen. Von da an wurde Soran in den Wegen des Partisankämpferkrieges erzogen. Er wurde gelehrt, Explosivstoffe, Schusswaffen und eine Form des CQC Kampfes durch Ali zu verwenden.

Celestial Intervention

Soran und seine Freunde wurden häufig auf gefährlichen Missionen mit der minimalen Verschiedenheit des Überlebens geschickt. Mehrere dienten für Selbstmordattentat-Missionen in Gottes Namen als Freiwilliger. Trotz der Einwände von Soran starben seine Kameraden treu für Saachez' Krieg. Während der letzten Tage des Verlierens gegen Azadistans Mobile Suits kam Soran zum Beschluss, das es keinen Gott in solch einer gewaltsamen Welt gibt. Sein Leben war kurz vor dem Tod, als ein Mobile Suit auf ihn zielte und kurz davor stand ihn zu erschießen, aber er wurde durch ein mysteriösen und himmlischen Mobile Suit gerettet.

Soran war der einzige Überlebende dieses Ereignisses, wodurch alle anderen Truppen von Ribbons Almark/GN-000 0 Gundam beseitigt wurden. Ribbons sollte alle Zeugen töten; doch als er den eingeschüchterten jungen Soran sah, verließ einen Eindruck auf ihm, "dass der Junge eine völlige Bewunderung und Anbetung als Asudruck hat" und ließ ihn am Leben.

Beitritt Celestial Being

Später mischt sich Ribbons mit Vedas Dateien ein, um Soran (14 Jahre alt) zu einem Gundam Meister zu machen, indem er den Anfangspilot von GN-001 Gundam Exia (sich selbst, aber es kann auch Eco Calore sein, seitdem er als Anfangskandidat für den Piloten von Gundam Exia ausgewählt worden war) mit Soran ersetzte, der einen neuen Codenamen bekam: Setsuna F. Seiei. Nachdem Setsuna bei den Gundam Meister durch die taktische Strategin Sumeragi Lee Noriega eingeführt wurde, hatten die Gundam Meister Allelujah Haptism und Tieria Erde ihre Zweifel über Setsuna, da er noch jung war. Gundam Meister Lockon Stratos merkte andererseits den Altersunterschied nicht und freute sich sogar in der Zusammenarbeit in der Änderung der Welt mit den Gundams. Die Gundam Meister und Ptolemaios' Crew wurden gemeinsam in technischen und militärischen Lehrübungen ausgebildet, bis sie bereit waren, ihr bewaffneten Interventionen zu beginnen. Setsuna wurde als Gundam Meister dem Nahkampf Mobile Suit GN-001 Gundam Exia für die Operationen von Celestial Being zugeteilt.

World Armed Intervention Campaign

The year is now 2307, Setsuna and the rest of Celestial Being (CB) completed their training and were prepared to commence their campaign. Setsuna and Lockon relocated to an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean along with their mobile suits to begin operations. Complying to their first mission, Setsuna/GN-001 Gundam Exia and Lockon/GN-002 Gundam Dynames sortied to the Advanced European Union's (AEU) Orbital Elevator in Africa for their first operation. After nearly two years of training and planning, Setsuna and Exia were the first to reveal themselves to the world at the debut of AEU's new mobile suit, the AEU-09 AEU Enact.

Debut at the Advanced European Union

Ace pilot Patrick Colasour was displaying the capabilities of the AEU's new Enact when Setsuna/Exia descended upon the demonstration. Setsuna's mission was to display the superior capabilities of Gundam Exia as well as showing the deficiencies of the new enemy unit. Colasour was eager to prove his strength against the intruding mobile suit and drew his sonic blade at Setsuna/Exia. Exia made quick work of the Enact as Exia's GN Blade cut off all of the Enact's limbs without killing Colasour. Setsuna then flew off to his second assignment, exposing the AEU's violation of an international treaty.

The AEU had made international treaty agreements to only have a certain amount of military force stationed for the protection of their orbital elevator, but kept more than allowed in secret. Setsuna/Exia and Lockon/Dynames had been assigned to expose their military force violations to the world. While fighting with overwhelming numbers, Lockon/Dynames provided fire coverage from below to help Setsuna in combat.

Everyone at the AEU demonstration thought that the Gundam was maybe a unit of the Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (Union) or the Human Reform League (HRL), but it was later revealed by a prerecorded message from Aeolia Schenberg that the Gundams were a part of new paramilitary faction that intended to end all wars, Celestial Being.

Ceylon Conflict

There has been war at Ceylon (formerly Sri Lanka) for over a century between two warring ethnic parties. All the Gundam Meisters sortied to Ceylon for their second mission. As they were about to approach the coast, Lockon wanted to check-in with Setsuna, but his mind was drifted towards past horrors during his youth in the Krugis Republic as he watched live combat at Ceylon. Setsuna flew ahead of everyone, eager to end the fighting and engaged the mobile suits while Lockon/Dynames provided cover fire. After the heavy combat ended, two mobile suits still remained and thought the Gundams had done a huge favor for them and went off to eliminate the fleeing enemy. Just as they passed by Exia, Setsuna finished them and flew back to base ahead of the other Meisters.

Vs. Graham Aker

Setsuna and the rest of the Gundams Meisters were heading back to their respective locations when Graham Aker appeared in his SVMS-01 Union Flag. Graham thought he could capture Exia/Setsuna; but Setsuna was able shove off the Flag and knocked off the sonic blade from the Flag's right hand. Graham tried to shoot Setsuna with his rifle, but Setsuna destroyed the rifle with his beam saber and forced Graham to withdraw.

Vs. Wild Bear of Russia

In a separate intervention, the Meisters were assigned with individual missions. Setsuna was assigned to eliminate a remaining military base at Ceylon where he was attacked by the HRL's commander Sergei Smirnov, piloting a MSJ-06II-C Tieren High Mobility Type. Sergei/Tieren HM wanted to test the Gundam's capabilities and engaged Setsuna/Exia in melee combat. Sergei/Tieren discarded his rifle and drew the carbon blade. Setsuna/Exia attacked with the GN Sword, cutting off the right arm. However, this was a part of Sergei's plan. As Setsuna/Exia turned for a second strike, Sergei/Tieren HM grabbed Exia's head and attempted to crush it. However Setsuna/Exia managed to grab his beam saber and slash Sergei's Tieren into pieces and left back to Japan.

Taribia Republic

Soon after the Taribia Republic announced their intentions to withdraw from the Union. They were close to the Union's orbital elevator and made a gamble that Celestial Being would be lured to their country and even defend them if Union forces intervened. However, Celestial Being caught on to this form of manipulation well in advance and attacked Taribia's forces. Setsuna/Exia attacked all mobile units near the ground while the rest fired from above. Their intervention forced the president of Taribia to rejoin the Union, thus Celestial Being restored political and military ties between the two parties.

Soon Taribia received support from the Union, and the Gundams made a tactical retreat. While retreating from Taribia, Graham appeared once again in his recently modified SVMS-01E Union Flag Graham Aker Custom. He tried to shoot Exia down, but Exia retreated by going underwater. Graham's Custom Flag wasn't water proof and thus couldn't follow Exia.

PMC Trust & AEU

Preparing for Moralia

PMC Trust, the Private Military Company of Moralia, and AEU teamed up to challenge Celestial Being. Meanwhile Ian Vashti met with the Meisters to deliver Exia's new GN Blades and Dynames' full armor components. Lockon commented how Exia was living up to its original codename, Gundam of Seven Swords. Ian thought Setsuna was being rude for not show appreciation for his hard work, but Lockon explained that he was very appreciative about it as Exia is his whole world.

Battle at Moralia

While performing the armed intervention in Moralia, KPSA's former leader, Ali Al-Saachez, piloting the AEU-09Y812 AEU Enact Ali Al-Saachez Custom attacked. Setsuna noticed the pilot of the enemy mobile suit combated too similar to Ali to be a coincidence, so he had to confirm that it was him. Setsuna flashed morse code to Ali to have him exit the cockpit. Setsuna exited his own cockpit and was angered when he confirmed his suspicions. He wanted to shoot him, but Lockon/Dynames intentionally fired several missed shots to have Ali return to his Enact. Ali ran away before Setsuna could settle his score.

Setsuna's brush with Ali affected the mission and forced Celestial Being's tactical forecaster, Sumeragi Lee Noriega, to accelerate the plans to the last phase. This final phase involved the Gundams infiltrating deep into enemy territory to destroy Moralia's Command. While the Gundams were flying inside a canyon to infiltrate Moralia Command, Setsuna was thinking about the sudden appearance of Ali Al-Saachez. He questioned the whereabouts of Ali's God and his beliefs when Tieria suddenly opened a private communique with him. Tieria warned Setsuna that if he broke the code of a Meister again, he would shoot him in the back for the sake of Celestial Being.

After they exited out of the canyon, they quickly attacked Moralia Command. In less than 5 minutes of their assault, all the enemy mobile suits were wiped out. Moralia Command couldn't defend themselves any longer and fired a white flare to signify their submission to Celestial Being. Because Celestial Being had no interest in conquering nations, they left back to their island hideout.

Setsuna's Reasons

After the mission was over, they flew back to their island hideout and they had a chat with Setsuna about his inexplicable stunt back at Moralia. Lockon was furious with Setsuna and punched him to the ground. Lockon reminded him that a Meister's identity and security of solar furnaces were level 7 secrets and demanded an answer. Setsuna looked away in silence, but Lockon wasn't satisfied with just empty explanations. Tensions were raised as Tieria drew his gun on Setsuna. Lockon tried to stop Tieria, but he reasoned that Setsuna had made stupid decisions and put them all at risk. Setsuna pulled out his gun as well, Lockon unsuccessfully told Setsuna to put his gun down. Allelujah's interjected and reminded Tieria that they had all been chosen by Veda for a reason. Both of them withdrew their sidearms, with Tieria expecting Setsuna to show him why he's a Gundam Meister. Lockon and Tieria were baffled when Setsuna said his mere existence was enough to explain why he's a Meister. Lockon's orange Haro tried to get everyone to calm down and get along, but he was washed away by the ocean tide (but found his way back though).

La Eden

Shortly after the Meisters' confrontation with Setsuna, Ian Vashti ran to them to inform that there had been simultaneous terrorist bombings across the globe. Wang Liu Mei informed Lockon and the Meisters that an unknown terrorist group was blackmailing Celestial Being to cease their actions and if they didn't, more people would die. Lockon and the rest of the group were told to be on standby as an investigation was underway. Tieria mocked the terrorists for even trying to stop them from achieving their goals. Lockon was offended with Tieria's words, but Tieria reminded Lockon that to the world, they were terrorist themselves. Lockon responded on anger, "So am I wrong to hate terrorists!?" Setsuna commented that they would put an end to their terrorism with armed intervention, as Celestial Being.

As time passed, more terrorist attacks occurred throughout the world. The terrorists sent a message through the networks with the following: "Until the private armed organization Celestial Being ends its interventions and disarms itself, our attacks will continue indefinitely. This is not evil. We are the saviors of the world's people. We oppose those who would oppress the world with military force." Setsuna and the rest of the Meisters were sent to investigate various areas around the world that were predicted as their next likely target to attack. Setsuna/Exia sortied to Scotland (AEU) to anticipate and investigate this mysterious terrorist group.


Setsuna/Exia landed on the mountainous region of Scotland and was on standby. While waiting inside Exia, he thought of his comrade during his KPSA days, who called him a coward for not following God's will and later committed a suicide bombing. Shortly after, sensors picked up a heat signature and sensors displayed a destroyed building. Wang Liu Mei informed Setsuna that a suspect was scene fleeing from the destroyed building in a brown coupe and Setsuna gave pursuit. He was chasing the suspect on motorcycle and attempted to shoot the perpetrator's coupe, but was stopped by police for his suspicious behavior on the highway. The policeman demanded to know what was Setsuna doing and he asked for his ID. Setsuna denied doing anything, he had no ID to procure for the cop. Setsuna was going to pull out his gun when Princess Marina Ismail of the Kingdom of Azadistan drove by and used her diplomatic credentials to claim that he was with her party and had been let off.

Meeting Marina Ismail

Marina and Setsuna found a quiet area of a park to chat. Marina told Setsuna, "Was I out of line back there, I wonder?" Setsuna answered, "No" Marina continued, "I didn't think I'd meet someone else from my homeland here. You're an Azadistan citizen right?" Setsuna monotonously answered, "You're mistaken, I'm Krugis" Realizing Setsuna's nationality made conversation awkward (since Azadistan subjugated Krugis), Marina replied, "Krugis...Is that so? I don't know what to say...I didn't introduce myself, did I? I'm Marina Ismail" Setsuna gave away an alias, "Kamal Majirif" Marina asked, "Are you in this country as a tourist?" Setsuna didn't want to answer further more and decided to walk off. Marina didn't want the conversation to end, "W-Wait! I want to talk to you some more, please..." Setsuna decided to stay.

Marina talked to Setsuna about Azadistan's foreign policy. Setsuna questioned, "Foreign Policy?" Marina explained, "That's right. I'm sure you know, Kamal, but Azadistan is being split between the Conservative and Reformist parties. It's become chaotic. In order to rebuild the economy of Azadistan, with the oil output regulated, we need the Solar Energy System. However, the Solar Energy System is what made our lives difficult in the first place. The conservatives don't approve of it at all. If the fighting doesn't stop, they'll be sure to come." Setsuna guessed, "Celestial Being..." Marina continued, "They're fanatical. Stopping war with force is just... It's true fighting is despicable, but the typical way they intervene, I don't think they'll ever make it a reality. There are countries that have had their economies completely devastated. I wonder if they think they're some sort of Gods" Setsuna commented, "Then there are battles, people will die." Marina responded, "With their typical intervention, even more people will die! They're using force to reach their goals without even attempting to solve things peacefully. Doesn't that strike you as odd?" Setsuna answered, "People die while you talk it out" Marina wanted to give a rebuttal, but Setsuna continued, "The ones who destroyed the Krugis Republic was Azadistan!" Marina responded with guilt, "That's true, but in the end, both countries tried to find a peaceful-" Setsuna interjected in anger, "During that time, people died!" Marina sensed his reaction was personal and inquired, "Kamal, it couldn't be...the fighting stopped six years ago. You must have been so young then...Did you fight?" Setsuna answered, "I'm still fighting, even now. I still fight" His words frightened Marina, but she still asked, "Are you with the conservatives!? Did you come to kill me?" Setsuna answered, "Even if I killed you, it wouldn't change a thing. The world would not change." Marina could only respond with his name, "Kamal...". Setsuna replied, "Wrong. My codename is Setsuna F. Seiei. One of Celestial Being's Gundam Meisters. If the fighting continues, expect us to come to Azadistan." Setsuna left and his warning frightened Marina to the ground.

Search & Destroy La Eden

During Setsuna's chat with Marina, Wang Liu Mei and Hong Long tracked and identified the terrorist group as La Eden. The world governments intentionally leaked information into the internet for Celestial Being to locate the terrorist cells of La Eden. After Setsuna left Marina, he was assigned to eliminate one of their mobile terrorist cells in the Atlantic in a simultaneous attack at 1400 GMT. Exia/Setsuna attacked the La Eden's ship and sank it. As the boat was sinking, Exia was grabbed underwater by a old submarine mobile armor (MAJ-03 Shuichai). Exia shielded against the barrage of torpedoes and finished the mobile armor with its beam sabers.

As Marina continued in her political tour for economic and food aid for Azadistan, she reflected back to Setsuna's words. Marina smirked it off, dismissing Setsuna's warning as a bad joke. Suddenly, Setsuna did a flyby with Gundam Exia. Setsuna/Exia hovered right on top of Marina's plane, looking down at her and then flew away.

HRL Space Assault

Being the only power to take aggressive measures against CB, HRL launched a series of e-sensors in space to detect the whereabouts of Celestial Being. Setsuna had just returned to Ptolemy for maintenance over Exia and he was given a passive aggressive greeting from Tieria Erde. As they both ate lunch, it was a tense moment between the two and Christina Sierra couldn't eat between the two. By the time Christina noticed they had been detected, HRL had already launched several carriers and Tieren mobile units against them.

Setsuna/Exia and Lockon/Dynames were assigned to engage the incoming main force while Allelujah/Kyrios and Tieria/Virtue engaged side groups to prevent a pincer attack from several sides. Setsuna/Exia dealt with a large group of Tierens while Lockon/Dynames snipped down as many as he could. In the end the Gundams proved to be too much for HRL forces to handle and Sergei Smirnov decided on a tactical retreat while they still could.

Return to Azadistan

During reconnaissance mission

It wasn't too long before Setsuna lived up to his words as he entered Azadistan. Rasa Massoud Rachmadi was an imam that had been captured by unknown assailants, attempting to topple the already unstable political situation in Azadistan. Ali Al-Saachez was actually the one who had been hired to incite civil war between the reformists and conservative parties. Setsuna volunteered for the mission since Azadistan was his hometown and the people of Azadistan were highly xenophobic.

The Union dispatched their own anti-Gundam team into Azadistan as they knew the Gundams were likely to appear in this political hot-spot and doubled as Azadistan's military aid. Graham and Billy Katagiri bumped into Setsuna as he was investigating the local area. Setsuna pretended to be a local civilian who was curious about the area because of recent fights; he also held his sidearm in case he was attacked. Graham knew Setsuna was up to something and even knew he was holding a weapon. Setsuna thought his cover was blown, but Graham intentionally leaked information to Setsuna (suspecting he was from Celestial Being) about an Enact from Moralia. Thinking it was the work of Ali Al Saachez, Setsuna headed to his old Krugis homeland to find Rasa Massoud Rachmadi.

Ali Al-Saachez had always suspected that Setsuna was one of the Krugis kids he had formally trained into a child soldier. His suspicions were confirmed when Setsuna found Ali's secret hiding place and fought. While engaging Ali/Enact, Setsuna asked his reasons for coming back since the Republic of Krugis was gone and he also asked "Where is your God!?" Setsuna damaged Ali's Enact rifle, but Ali/Custom Enact pinned Setsuna/Exia down on the ground and tried to tear open the cockpit. Setsuna/Exia managed to cut off his Enact's right arm and Ali flew off. Setsuna was only a distraction while Lockon and Hong Long were intercepting the fleeing group with Dynames.

Rasa Massoud Rachmadi was rescued and sent back to the palace where Princess Marina Ismail resided. Setsuna entered unarmed with Exia and at first received several shots from extremists and local defense mobile suits. They eventually cleared out of his way and he dropped off Rasa Massoud Rachmadi. Marina Ismail went to confirm that it was truly Setsuna and he warned her they might return again. His final words to her were "fight for the sake of your God" and he then flew away. Graham and his team wanted to capture him, but Graham felt that by doing so they would only create international political complications and let him off.

Intervention in the Taklamakan Desert

The Burning Question

Setsuna received and acknowledged recall orders from Christina Sierra to prepare for their intervention at the Taklamakan Desert. To Christina's surprise, Setsuna made unauthorized use of Exia, heading to the Middle East. Christina covered for him by not notifying anyone of his extracurricular activities. Setsuna/Exia headed to Azadistan to see Princess Marina Ismail. Setsuna hid Exia and infiltrated into the Azadistan palace, straight through Marina's window. He surprised Marina with his sudden appearance and without explaining himself, he asked her a series of questions. "Why is this world distorted? Is it God's fault? Is Man to blame?" Marina took a moment to think and replied, "God is merciful...and people can come to understand each other, but the world still distorts. That's why, there's something we-" Marina looked up and realized that Setsuna had already left. Setsuna had left in the middle of Marina's reply and regrouped with Celestial Being. While flying back, Setsuna continued to think, "What is distorting it? Furthermore, where is it distorted?"


The Gundam Meisters were assigned to stop a group of terrorists from assaulting a nuclear facility, to prevent worldwide catastrophic radiation contamination; meanwhile a joint war exercise was being performed by HRL, AEU, and Union nearby and there was anticipation of formidable retaliation. It was publicly announced to be a war exercise, but it was a trap for Celestial Being. Even though the Meisters' fully knew that what they were about to intervene was a potential deadly trap, they entered the Taklamakan Desert, knowing they might be captured or killed.

Setsuna and Tieria were paired together while Lockon and Allelujah teamed up for aerial-to-ground entry of the battlefield. Setsuna/Exia and Tieria/Virtue removed their optical cloaks and prepared to give support to Lockon and Allelujah. Setsuna prevented two Flags from notifying their forces about their location, to give Tieria enough time to execute Burst Mode. Tieria successfully fired the first shot to create a trench for Lockon/Dynames and Allelujah/Kyrios to fight with some cover. While the blast was successful, Setsuna had to continue guarding Tieria for the next burst shot and unexpectedly received quick retaliation when a barrage of missiles fired on their position. Setsuna would spend the latter of his time, defending Tieria to give him time for continuous successive particle beam shots. After nearly 15 hours of their intervention, the united forces were still besetting the Gundam Meisters. Tieria/Virtue provided cover for Setsuna/Exia with a GN Field. After the united forces stopped their barrage (to allow their ace pilots to capture them), Setsuna and Tieria were split apart.

Cry for Gundam

While flying across the desert, Setsuna detected an enemy, Ali Al-Saachez in an Enact/Agrissa. Ali/Agrissa attacked Setsuna; but Setsuna/Exia managed to evade his rifle assault. Setsuna was too worn from previous engagements to give a real fight. Ali rammed Setsuna to the ground and activated a plasma field. As Ali/Agrissa was shocking Setsuna to death, Setsuna reflected that he was going to die without making a difference to the distorted world. As his final thoughts lead him to 0 Gundam, the Gundam in his past, an unknown force fired upon Ali/Agrissa and forced him to eject and flee. Setsuna had just been saved by an unknown Gundam. Looking upon the crimson Gundam, he cried out "Gundam!"

The unknown female pilot checked in on Setsuna and introduced herself as Nena Trinity, Gundam Meister to GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei. She informed Setsuna that she had helped her brothers Michael and Johann to save them. Shortly after the rest of the Gundams were rescued, Nena/Drei activated GN Stealth Field to help the Gundam Meisters escape to safety. Setsuna regrouped with the others and set Exia on autopilot back to their base. Setsuna couldn't help but wonder who were the new mysterious Gundam group.

Trinity Armed Intervention Campaign

Meeting Team Trinity

The Meisters were given coordinates for a meeting by the Gundam Throne Meisters and they agreed to meet on board the Ptolemy. Sumeragi had Setsuna/Exia on standby in case it was a trap. As Team Trinity boarded Ptolemy without causing alarm, Setsuna was told to join them at the briefing room to meet the mysterious Throne Meisters. Nena Trinity wanted to find out who was the pilot of Gundam Exia, Setsuna then arrived and identified himself as the pilot. Nena was excited to see Setsuna and went at him for a kiss saying she liked his recklessness. Setsuna didn't react well to Nena's kiss and shoved her away. Tensions were raised when Michael Trinity came to defend his sister and pulled out a sonic blade. Johann Trinity had to control Michael to calm the situation down. As everyone headed to the briefing room for discussions, Setsuna wondered if they were true Gundam Meisters, Tieria also concurred with Setsuna's suspicions.

Setsuna didn't talk in the meeting, he let Sumeragi do most of the questioning while he observed. When Nena got bored and wanted to tour the ship, she invited Setsuna to come along. Setsuna ignored her, but Nena warned him, "If I've chosen you, it's all over" and left. The Trinity brothers remained to continue their discussion. They gave limited information about themselves, only to explain they were activated based on Ptolemy group's poor performance. Sumeragi questioned if they were being replaced, but Johann assured them that they could still run their own missions. He also said that the Ptolemy group was free act under their own discretion. After their meeting, Team Trinity returned to their ship and left. Shortly after their meeting, the Thrones attacked their first military base, Union's MSWAD base.

Meisters Vs Meisters

With Team Trinity assaulting military bases, Celestial Being's mission plans had been thrown away and the Meisters were ordered to wait until the time was right; Setsuna became more and more dissatisfied as they indiscriminately hurt civilians and used total annihilation tactics in their missions. Setsuna and his group became more consternated when they discovered that Team Trinity's GN Drives were considered imitations and not real solar furnaces. The last straw for Setsuna was when Nena indiscriminately attacked a family in Spain (Louise Halevy's) for no reason. He sortied Exia and identified Team Trinity as a source of conflict.

While the Thrones were flying to their next mission, Setsuna/Exia fired three unwarned shots at them. He cited the Thrones as a source of conflict and aimed at Nena/Drei, but Michael/GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei intervened and fended him off. Johann tried to reason with Setsuna, but Setsuna refused to recognize them as true Gundam Meisters, so Johann had Michael retaliate. Michael launched six of his GN Fangs, but Setsuna destroyed all of them with his GN blades. Michael had two GN Fangs reserved and launched them. Setsuna wasn't able to anticipate them but just then a powerful particle beam wiped the last two. The blast had come from Tieria/Virtue who had decided to team up against the Gundam Thrones.

While fighting the Thrones, it was the first time that Exia and Virtue executed tactical battle formations (as the pilots never got along). Tieria/Virtue engaged Nena/Drei and Johann/GNW-001 Gundam Throne Eins while Setsuna/Exia engaged Michael/Zwei. It wasn't too long until Lockon/Dynames entered the fight and the Thrones decided to regroup and retreat. Before they retreated though, Johann revealed classified information pertaining Lockon's and Setsuna's pasts. Johann revealed to Lockon that the very group that was responsible for his family's death was also linked with Setsuna. Johann then revealed Setsuna's true identity as Soran Ibrahim, a former KPSA member. Then The Thrones flew off, but left Lockon angered against Setsuna.

Lockon's Confrontation

Lockon pointing a gun at Setsuna

The three Gundam Meisters went back to their island base and Lockon had a personal chat with Setsuna while pointing a gun at him. Lockon wanted a good explanation behind Setsuna's past and a reason not to kill him. Setsuna revealed that he had been formally trained to be a guerrilla by Ali Al Saachez, leader of KPSA. He admitted at that time he had been immersed in his own world of God, but now no he no longer believed that there existed a God in the world. He explained that time when he exited out of his cockpit in Moralia was to confirm Ali's comeback and wanted to know if there was God within him. Lockon wanted to know what were Setsuna's plans for the future and his intentions with Gundam Exia. Setsuna reaffirmed that he believed in their cause and he said he wouldn't mind being killed by Lockon if he continued their mission to end conflict. While he was alive he wanted to continue being a Gundam Meister, Setsuna F. Seiei, for he was a "Gundam." Lockon withdrew his gun because he couldn't shoot a dumbass like him, a "stupid Gundam." Setsuna considered that as praise and the three Meisters shared a good laugh.

Operation Fallen Angels

AEU, Union, and HRL had been brought down to their knees, they no longer had the necessary abilities to defend against Celestial Being and the world powers reluctantly considered the idea of surrendering to them. Then, a Celestial Being traitor, Laguna Harvey, contacted the 3 world powers to collect 30 GN Drives in Antarctica, along with new mobile suits, the GN-X. With these new mobile suits in their hands, the world governments united their military might as the UN Forces, declaring their united objective of taking down Celestial Being. They called this plan Operation Fallen Angels.

UN Forces Counteroffensive

The UN Forces quickly made use of their GN-X's. They managed to fend off Team Trinity in two consecutive battles. The Gundam Meisters and the crew of the Ptolemy were surprised that GN technology had fallen into the world's hands. The UN Forces now were on the offensive against Celestial Being. It wasn't long before the defenseless Ptolemy was also targeted and the Meisters sortied to defend their ship. While fighting, their Gundams were suddenly shut down. They didn't know that Alejandro Corner had had Ribbons Almark take control of Veda during their battle. Sumeragi was able to anticipate such an event and switched their Gundams to a stand alone OS (w/o a link to Veda). Setsuna cried out for Gundam Exia to activate and it reactivated. Setsuna was able to fend off the GN-X's to a tactical retreat, but the battle wounded Lockon and badly damaged Dynames.

The Purpose of Gundams

While Curse Jinx Squad was confronting Team Trinity, Setsuna and the rest of the Ptolemy group observed them on the news. The group was contemplating the possibility of defeat as the world had the power to crush them and it was part of Aeolia Schenberg's plan. Setsuna questioned the purpose of the Gundams regardless of the situation. Setsuna wondered if the current events were considered right as the Thrones and the UN Forces were only increasing conflict. He firmly believed that Gundams should end wars, not escalate them. Lockon finished what Setsuna wanted to say, that the fight between the Thrones and UN Forces was a source of conflict that should be stopped. Ian and Allelujah objected to the suggestion of Setsuna/Exia heading to Earth on a solo mission while they were in a dangerous predicament. Setsuna intended to go alone and wanted to confirm, "What purpose do the Gundams serve?". Lockon wanted to join Setsuna, but Lasse Aeon argued that Lockon should remain behind in his condition. Lasse suggested using the Assault Container since it had atmospheric re-entry capabilities and it was an opportunity to give GN Arms a shakedown. Even though there were concerns, Sumeragi gave Setsuna a last minute mission plan to help him in his mission. With Setsuna/Exia prepped inside the Assault Container, Lasse transported him to Earth.

During Setsuna's entry to Earth, Ali Al-Saachez appeared before the Trinty's, claiming to be an ally. When Johann asked about Laguna Harvey, Ali responded with a gunshot. He killed Michael with a handgun and subdued Johann. Ali wanted to fight Johann in MS combat and let him off to pilot Throne Eins. Ali somehow bypassed the biometric scanner of Gundam Throne Zwei and used it against Eins. Johann suspected that he somehow altered the system as only Michael was able to pilot Zwei, Ali finally destroyed Johann/Eins.

As Setsuna/Exia descended to Earth, he noticed that Throne Zwei was about to destroy Throne Drei and intervened to save Nena. Setsuna was surprised to hear Ali Al-Saachez on the com (from Zwei) and the two fought. Ali commented on how Gundams were great weapons for war, but Setsuna retaliated to defend the pacification purpose of Gundams. Even though Exia was well armed, Ali still managed to defend himself well against Setsuna. During this time, Alejandro Corner was putting his final plans into work to control Veda after having killed Aeolia Schenberg. Schenberg's system trap activated and removed the limiters on Exia's GN Drive (including the other four original GN Drives) to execute the Trans-Am system. Just as Ali was about to strike Exia from behind, it began glowing red and went into a high speed frenzy. Setsuna/Exia knocked down Ali/Zwei. While Ali/Zwei was temporarily down, Setsuna was amazed at the sudden new found capabilities of Exia. Aeolia Schenberg suddenly appeared in a brief video to Setsuna and all of Celestial Being:

"To those who use GN Drives: I don't know whether you will carry my will, however I entrust you my final hope to you, full utilization of your GN Drives. I hope that you will use them and fight your hardest for the sake of ending war and bringing about a new peace. Not for the sake of Celestial Being, but for the sake of your own wills, as those who have Gundams."

Ali/Zwei tried to attack Setsuna/Exia from behind, but Trans-Am was still in effect and allowed Setsuna/Exia to evade and counter. Setsuna/Exia continued to attack from all sides and Ali/Zwei made tactical retreat. Ali ejected Zwei's left Fang container to distract Setsuna/Exia long enough for an escape. Setsuna reported his findings to the rest of the crew and headed back to Ptolemy with Lasse/GN Arms/Assault Container.

Late Return

While cruising on board the Assault Container to Ptolemy, Lasse and Setsuna had a chat. Lasse asked, "Did you find your answer, Setsuna?" Setsuna answered, "I still don't know. But I... We were entrusted with this by Aeolia Schenberg. So I'll fight to end war according to my own will. Together with my Gundam..." Lasse replied, "To be frank, I don't think we can end war. But our foolishness, whether it was good or evil, has been engraved into people's hearts... That's how I've come to think now. Celestial Being... There's some meaning to our existence." Setsuna wondered when Lasse mentioned "our existence" Lasse explained, "Humans experience these things without really understanding them." Just then, Setsuna received a message from Ptolemy that the UN Forces were about to catch up with them. Both Setsuna and Lasse rushed to Ptolemy to provide combat assistance.

Tieria confronting Setsuna

By the time Setsuna/Exia returned to provide assistance, the battle was near the end. Setsuna/Exia executed Trans-Am to make up lost time and found Lockon Stratos floating in space. Setsuna tried to rescue him, but the damaged GN Cannon nearby exploded and killed him. Setsuna was distraught over Lockon's death, but returned to Ptolemy to prepare for another round against the UN Forces. Tieria was distraught over Lockon's death and blamed Setsuna for heading to Earth and not making it back in time to save him. Sumeragi had to settle the two down as they needed to prepare for another fight.

The Answer

Setsuna was in his quarters, reviewing over tactical data over Lockon's final moments (from Haro). It was then that he realized that Lockon had died in his vengeance against Ali Al-Saachez. He then thought of his Krugis friend who was mad at him for challenging God's will (Ali's divine influence) and later sacrificed himself in a suicide bombing attack in Ireland. Setsuna commented, "After you die, there's no God." Setsuna's mind then thought about Lasse's words about meaning behind their existence. It was then Setsuna made the epiphany to answer his own question, "The meaning to our to live. To remember those who have died and face the world. God doesn't exist. I will...through my own will..."

Mourning Lockon

Some moments after, Setsuna went along with Haro to Dynames' cockpit to bid a last farewell to Lockon. Then Feldt Grace arrived and left a letter she had written for Lockon. She then asked if Setsuna had someone to write a letter to, at which Setsuna answered that he didn't have anyone. Feldt thought that was lonely, but Setsuna explained that the one who was lonely was Lockon, so he then asked Haro to go and keep him company. Feldt also asked Haro to look for Lockon and then thanked him. After that the alarms were triggered and the crew had to get ready for battle. To their surprise a golden GN Mobile Armor with 7 false GN Drives appeared, it was GNMA-XCVII Alvatore). Sumeragi had Lasse and Setsuna break through the UN Forces offensive line to destroy Alvatore.

Last Stand

While heading towards Alvatore, the mobile armor fired several shots of its particle beam cannon. The beams didn't destroy the Ptolemy or any of the Gundams, but the shots damaged them enough to help UN Forces destroy them (Ptolemaios, Kyrios, and Nadleeh). All the Gundams were damaged beyond repair, with only their GN Drives intact.

The only team still able to fight was Lasse Aeon/GN Arms Type-E and Setsuna/Exia on board the Assault Container. During the early part of the battle, they breached through the UN Forces' offensive line with the Assault Container to deal with Alvatore. They blasted the Alvatore with their GN Cannons at full strength, but Alavatore's GN Field was so dense that it repelled any incoming fire. Lasse rammed the Assault Container with its GN Field against Alavatore's GN Field in hopes of penetrating deep enough to damage the mobile armor. However, it didn't work as the mobile armor unleashed its grappling arms, splitting the Assault Container's hull apart. Alejandro mocked Setsuna and Lasse over the com, "You irritating ghots of Aeolia Schenberg. You should be honored that I, Alejandro Corner, will offer you up as sacrifices for my new world!" Lasse yelled back saying, "Try it!". The Assault Container was being ripped in half, and Lasse/GN Arms had to eject from it with Setsuna/Exia for combat.

Lasse and Setsuna doubled-teamed against Alejandro/Alvatore, but couldn't penetrate the dense GN Field. Alvatore deployed its own version of GN Fangs against Setsuna. Lasse switched to GN Armor and Setsuna/Exia docked for a MA (mobile armor) to MA combat. In GN Armor, Setsuna and Lasse were able to destroy all of Alvatore's GN Fangs and disabled its grappling arms. However, Alejandro severely damaged the GN Armor section (hurting Lasse and leaving him presumably dead). Setsuna rammed the GN Blade of GN Armor and disabled Alvatore's GN Field. Without the GN Field in the way, Setsuna made quick work of Alvatore and destroyed the mobile armor.

Second Round

While Setsuna was trying to confirm Lasse's condition, a particle beam was suddenly fired into his direction. The upper section of Alvatore's armor unfolded to reveal a mobile suit, the Alvaaron. Alejandro/Alvaaron ejected the lower section of Alvatore and engaged Setsuna in MS combat. While firing at each other, Alvaaron's wings shifted forward to fire a powerful particle beam. Alejandro thought he had vaporized Exia from the blast, but Setsuna/Exia had survived by using Trans-Am. As Setsuna charged towards Alejandro, he cried out over the com, "I've found it!" Alejandro was puzzled and wondered, "Setsuna replied, "I've found the twisted distortion in this world. That's right! And you're the one responsible!. Alejandro told Setsuna, "The rebirth has already begun!" While hopelessly firing at Alejandro, Setsuna remembered a conversation he had had with Lockon about Exia. Lockon had told Setsuna that Exia was intentionally armed with physical blades in order to penetrate GN Fields (as a countermeasure against someone using CB technology). Setsuna used his GN Sword to penetrate through Alvaaron's GN Field and told Alejandro, "The eradication of war through force. That is Celestial Being. And the Gundam will do it, together with me!. Setsuna then used all of his GN Blades and beam sabers to cut into Alvaaron. As Setsuna made a final vertical slash at Alvaaron, he told Alejandro, "That's right, that's what I am, what all of us are, we're Gundams" the suit soon overloaded and killed Alejandro in the explosion. Setsuna barely had a moment to rest when another MS appeared.

Final Round

Graham Aker appeared in his SVMS-01X Union Flag Custom II "GN Flag". Graham's Flag had been heavily modified to adapt to space combat as well as utilizing a GN Tau Drive. Graham/GN Flag charged towards Setsuna/Exia with a beam saber (much to Setsuna's surprise). Graham told Setsuna over the com, "I'll take my revenge for Howard and Daryl out on you, with this GN Flag!" Setsuna was surprised to see that it was Graham (the person he had met at the Azadistan incident) and both were surprised to see each in their respective mobile suits. Graham told Setsuna, "Certainly you and I are indeed tied together by the red threads of destiny. That's right, we were destined to fight each other!" Graham was able to cut Exia's left arm off and went for a second strike. As Setsuna and Graham crossed swords, Graham continued talking to Setsuna. Graham told Setsuna, "You single-handedly stole my heart away. this feeling is, without a doubt, love! But if it transcends love, it becomes obsession! I went overboard, as if it were a religion, just like what causes the eruption of that civil war" (Azadistan)!. Setsuna reacted in anger, "If you know this, then why are you fighting!?" and chopped through GN Flag's lower torso. Graham responded, "My only reason is that I"m a soldier!" and then decapitated Exia. Setsuna answered, "You're distorted!" and decapitated his GN Flag's head. Graham replied, "If I am, them so are you! The whole existence called 'Gundam'!" Graham kicked Setsuna and he returned fire. Graham evaded this and said, "That's why I'm going to defeat you! The world is of no consequence to me, only my own will matters!" Setsuna asked, "You're saying the world is just some fleeting thing!?" Graham answered, "If it is, then this is surely its voice!" and charged at Setsuna/Exia with his beam saber. Setsuna replied, "You're wrong! You're just wrapped up in your own ego! I'm going to slice through you and your distortion!" Graham replied, "Well met, Gundam!" and both of them charged at each other. In the final charge, both opponents severely damaged each other's suits, stabbing through each other's MS chest causing a massive red/green GN Particles explosion. The resulting explosion didn't kill Setsuna, only temporarily knocked him out. As Setsuna/Exia gravitated towards Earth, Marina Ismail was reading a message she had received from him.

Letter to Marina Ismail

Setsuna/Exia gravitating around Earth

Setsuna had sent a message to Marina Ismail before the climatic battle between UN Forces and Celestial Being. As Setsuna/Exia floated in space towards the gravity of Earth, she was reading the following:

"Marina Ismail: By the time you read this...I'm already gone. Armed interventions to put and end to war, I'm unable to do anything but fight for Celestial Being. You taught me what it means to fight back then, just like Gundam. I wanted to know why our world is so terminally distorted. Where did that distortion come from? Why there are people who are unconsciously evil? Why people don't know that their evil hurts others. Why is humanity an existence which only conflicts with itself? Why are there people who rule and those who are ruled? Why do we wound each other? In spite of all this, why do people go on living like they do? I wanted to ask you...please think of an answer if we may meet again. That being the case, I will seek out the same thing on a different path than yours. Down the path towards mutual human understanding for the answer. I'll keep looking for it, together with my Gundam."


In the aftermath of the battle, Celestial Being lost contact with Setsuna. As far as the world was concerned, Setsuna and Exia were gone. Setsuna had survived his battle with Graham and inexplicably decided to go act underground with Exia, possibly because he thought Celestial Being was gone. He did his best to salvage Exia, using Tieren components to supplement his Gundam and continued to monitor the actions of the changing world on his own for approximately 4 years.

Return to Celestial Being

The year is now 2312 (5 years later), the authoritarian Earth Sphere Federation (ESF: AEU, Union, and HRL united as a single entity) has begun an aggressive campaign of unification through their autonomous military force, A-Laws. The united and peaceful world never came, it only evolved into another source of conflict. Setsuna set out to Lagarange 4's space colony to reconnoiter their intentions.

Space Colony Proud Incident

Setsuna had performed a personal investigation on space colony Proud. He infiltrated the facility through a procured space shuttle (containing Exia) and began his investigation. While hiding behind the corridors, he overheard an operation about to commence between federation soldiers. He decided to inquire and chased down the soldier (in a power suit) that had just passed his sights. Setsuna quickly shot the soldier in the back, damaging the battery to his power suit. While the soldier was immobilized, he threatened the soldier to get answers. The soldier answered, "I don't know, we were just ordered to take cover!" Without a real answer, Setsuna left the soldier behind to continue investigating when there were sudden sounds of combat. The anti-Federation resistance group Katharon had just started their rescue operation to save their comrades within Proud and A-Laws had engaged them in space MS combat outside the colony.

While opening the door to one of their mining facilities, Setsuna realized that A-Laws had released automatons into the colony to slaughter everyone within the facility. Realizing the situation was dangerous, Setsuna remotely summoned Exia to intercept him. Setsuna then spotted a man pinned down by an automaton and decided to help. He told the man to "Get Down!" while distracting the automaton with gunfire and threw an explosive clay to finish the kill-bot. To Setsuna's surprise, the man he just saved was his neighbor Saji Crossroad. Both of them were surprised to see each other again, but there was little time to talk as another automaton arrived to attack and they ran for their lives. Setsuna looked after Saji as he tried to reach to a nearby airlock to intercept Exia. As he continued running and fending of incoming automatons, he thought to himself, "It hasn't changed. Since that time, not one damn thing! This isn't what I wanted! Lockon...and myself as well! For a world like this?!" Setsuna and Saji finally reached to an airlock and Setsuna boarded GN-001RE Gundam Exia Repair for MS combat.

Setsuna/Exia engaged A-Laws' latest mobile suits (GNX-609T GN-XIII and GNX-704T Ahead). Setsuna charged above his enemies and chopped off a GNX III's right MS arm. The mobile suits then began exchanging beam fire. Exia only had its right MS arm with a damaged GN Sword for defense/offense, making combat very difficult for Setsuna. As Setsuna clashed swords with Barack Zinin/ GNX-704T Ahead, Barack asked, "Why are you appearing now!?". Setsuna answered, "To destroy. Just to destroy! The lot of you who act like this! I'll exterminate you!" Setsuna tried to shoot down Barack/Ahead, but Barack/Ahead evaded and only lost his GN Shield. Barack retorted, " A suit like a Gundam from 4 years ago is no match for an Ahead!" Barack shot at Setsuna, he was able to dodge the first 3 shots, but suffered a hit on the fourth. Setsuna was in trouble as Exia Repair wasn't responding too well in combat. Barack yelled out, "Many of my friends were defeated by you! This is their revenge!" Barack/Ahead clashed swords with Setsuna again and knocked Exia downwards. Barack pulled out his second beam saber used both sabers to strike Exia. Setsuna/Exia tried to block the attack with his GN Sword, but the combined strength of two beam sabers cut through its blade, breaking his GN Sword in half. Barack said, "Your time is over!", as he chopped off Exia's shoulders. Setsuna was now completely defenseless. Lt Agraga/GNX III went for the finishing blow when suddenly a pair of particle beams blasted in between Setsuna/Exia and Lt Araga/GNX III. To Setsuna's surprise, it was a Gundam (Tieria Erde/GN-008 Seravee Gundam). Setsuna watched as the Gundam defeated Lt Araga/GNX III and forced enemy mobile suits to retreat. After the short battle, a familiar voice came over the com said, "So you really were searching for A-Laws' activities. It's been some time, Setsuna F. Seiei." To Setsuna's even further surprise, it was Tieria Erde. Tieria/Seravee and Setsuna/Exia went back to the airlock (where he had left Saji) for a chat.

Setsuna's comeback

In the airlock, Tieria caught up with Setsuna. Tieria said, "It's been 4 years..your presence sure has undergone some big changes." Setsuna retorted, "You say that, but you haven't changed at all. the same as you were back then." Tieria smirked and replied, "Well said." Setsuna wondered if the new Gundam was Celestial Being's and Tieria confirmed it when Saji interjected. Saji angrily yelled out, "Setsuna F. Seiei! You've been piloting a Gundam!?" Setsuna confirmed his affiliation with Celestial Being. Saji continued to ask, "So then, the armed interventions from 4 yrs ago...?" Setsuna confirmed, "Yes, I did them." Saji replied in anger, "You understand don't you!? Because of what you've done, countless people have died! And you're the ones responsible!" Setsuna only looked at Saji with a straight face. Saji with anger and sadness continued, "It was your fault...that the person I wounded her...and killed her parents and all of her family! And my one and only family, my sister, too...All she ever did was get involved with Celestial Being and she was killed! Louise...and my sister! They're gone now! Say something!" Saji angrily charged at Setsuna and grabbed his gun. Saji then pointed the gun at Setsuna and shouted, "Say something! Give them back! Give the two of them back to me! Give them back!!" Setsuna could only look at Saji without a word. Saji's conscience couldn't kill Setsuna and Setsuna subsequently decided to bring Saji on board Ptolemy II to protect him from the ESF as he had been falsely labeled as a Katharon member. Setsuna was given new quarters and suited up in his new uniform. He later checked out his newly designated incomplete Gundam, GN-0000 00 Gundam

Returning Comrades

While Celestial Being managed to quietly rebuild their arsenal and upgraded their GN Tech, their organization was far from ready to take on A-Laws. They needed a tactical strategist and a new Gundam Meister. Setsuna went to recruit Lockon's identical twin brother, Lyle Dylandy, to be the new Lockon Stratos and he also went to return Sumeragi Lee Noriega.

Reviving Lockon Stratos

Setsuna met up with Lyle at a park, identifying him as a member of Katharon. Lyle thought Setsuna was a Federation peace keeper, but Setsuna introduced himself and told him he was a Gundam Meister of Celestial Being. He told Lyle that he was there to recruit him as the next Lockon Stratos. Lyle was confused over Setsuna's intentions, but Setsuna then spoke about the original Lockon, his brother Neil. He explained to Lyle that his brother had died about 4 years ago as a Gundam Meister. Lyle wondered if his recruitment was Neil's dying wish, but Setsuna told Lyle that they both are very similar in their desire to change the world. Setsuna gave Lyle a crystal memory stick, pertaining Celestial Being's intelligence. He also warned Lyle that security forces would soon attack a Katharon cell in Europe. Lyle shortly accepted the invitation and agreed to later rendezvous at the Union orbital elevator.

Drafting Sumeragi

Setsuna's next person to return was Sumeragi Lee Noriega. She had since quit Celestial Being and stayed at a friend's home, Billy Katagiri. Setsuna didn't waste time, as soon Billy opened the door, he identified Sumeragi as part of Celestial Being. Setsuna gave Sumeragi no choice but to return to Celestial Being. He dragged her into the Union orbital elevator to meet with Lyle at the orbital space station. While going up on the Linear Train, Sumeragi talked how the world hadn't changed and that their sacrifices had meant nothing as the world became a larger source of conflict. Setsuna encouraged her to fight to correct what they had done, but Sumeragi remained despondent. Once they reached to the orbital space station, Sumeragi continued insisting to be left alone. Setsuna ignored her request and told her they were going to meet a new Gundam Meister. To Sumeragi's shock, she could see a living Lockon Stratos. Setsuna introduced her to Lyle Dylandy, Lockon's younger twin brother.

Activating 00 Gundam

While on their way back to CBS-74 Ptolemaios 2 by shuttle, Setsuna noticed A-Laws MS units heading to Ptolemy's direction. Ptolemy II was in imminent danger and Setsuna decided to run a live battle test with an unstable Twin Drive System. Setsuna had Lockon take the helm of the shuttle as he jumped out of it to intercept his new Gundam. Despite Ian's objections of Setsuna rolling out an unstable Gundam, Setsuna quickly activated 00 Gundam and executed Trans-Am. The GN particle synchronous generation had yet to reach to 80% output to safely utilize the Gundam. Setsuna called out to 00, "Wake up for me, 00. Here we have 0 Gundam, Exia, and me!'" As if 00 Gundam answered his call, the GN Drives synchronized and worked just in time to deflect a beam blast. A GNX Ahead had just fired into the catapult launching bay and 00 Gundam's GN Drives swiveled a 180 degree turn to vent dense particles out of Ptolemy. The particle density was powerful enough to repel the blast and Setsuna/00 sortied out to face his opponents. Setsuna/00 destroyed the GNX Ahead with a single beam shot. The following GNX III tried to shot down 00, but Setsuna/00 turned the GN Drives forward again to created a GN Barrier. Setsuna tried to finish off the last GNX III with beam shots, but the enemy had used anti-beam countermeasures to force 00 into melee combat. Setsuna switched the GN Sword II from rifle mode to sword mode and cut the last GNX III in half, a very successful test run of the Twin Drive System. Setsuna then returned with Lockon and Sumeragi to meet everyone on the bridge. Shortly after their first major encounter with A-Laws, Wang Liu Mei informed Celestial Being of Allelujah Haptism's whereabouts.

Rescue Allelujah & Princess Ismail

The crew had a group meeting about rescuing Allelujah, but they weren't sure of how to infiltrate the highly secured facility where he was being kept. Sumeragi just walked in to confirm the news about Allelujah, but when the crew asked for her tactical expertise, she refused. Setsuna told Sumeragi to let go of her past and that her expertise was non-consequential to her if they failed. He told her that they intended to rescue their comrade and begged her to help them, she relented to the task. She later gave Setsuna and the rest of the crew their roles in the mission plan to rescue Allelujah, a 5 min blitzkrieg abstraction. While preparing in the MS container bay, Tieria sent Setsuna a prisoner roster list and Marina Ismail was listed among the prisoners.

Retreating with Marina

After Ptolemy II distracted the facility with a tsunami caused by their splashdown, Setsuna/00 and Tieria/Seravee attacked the facilty. Setsuna told Tieria that he intended to rescue Marina Ismail within 2 mins of the alotted time. 00 Gundam crashed into the side of the building and Setsuna proceeded on foot to liberate Allelujah. Tiera/Seravee guarded 00 Gundam until Setsuna's return. After liberating Allelujah, he gave him a computer tablet to intercept his new unit, GN-007 Arios Gundam, and quickly used his remaining time to liberate Marina Ismail. He found her cell, blown the lock, and took her with him on board 00 Gundam. Setsuna then made a tactical retreat while finishing off pursuing A-Laws forces. After they made it to Ptolemy II, the two had a private chat.

Setsuna apologized to Marina as their affairs had gotten her involved with the Federation. Marina wanted to know why Setsuna continued fighting when he could have chosen another life away from violence, but he responded that he wanted a world without conflict and that fighting was all he could do. Marina started crying from his response and he asked why was she crying. Marina told him that she was crying instead of him because he couldn't. Setsuna seemed to be taken away from her words.

Anti A-Laws Campaign

Middle East Conflict

Heading to Azadistan

While in a meeting room with Setsuna (including Ian Vashti, Lockon Stratos, and Lasse Aeon), he wanted to know what were Marina Ismail's plans after escaping from the Federation. Marina wanted to head back to Azadistan due to the country's instability and internal turmoil. While the others objected in consideration of Federation retaliation, Setsuna made the decision to send her back to Azadistan and Ptolemy II adjusted course accordingly. At the end of their conversation, Mileina Vashti abruptly popped in to ask if Setsuna and Marina were lovers and both simultaneously responded with a resound "NO".

Some time after, Setsuna went to check on Marina and found her alone in the observation room. Marina asked Setsuna to come with her to help repair Azadistan together. Setsuna refused and reasoned that he was only capable of fighting. Marina told Setsuna that nothing can be gained through fighting, only loss. He told her he used to think that way before joining Celestial Being, but said he and his Gundam's reason for fighting is to sever the distortions (source of conflict) for the future. Marina had no response to his resolution and left the conversation at that. Shortly after their conversation, Setsuna and Marina were walking in the hallways of Ptolemy II when the ship was suddenly under attack by an enemy submersible (GNMA-04B11 Trilobite). Setsuna told Marina to head to the center of the ship for safety and ran to the MS container bay to sortie with 00 Gundam.

Underwater Attack

Setsuna quickly suited up and was on standby in 00 Gundam until they reached launching depth to sortie. Tieria/Seravee pushed back Trilobite while Lockon/Cherudim provided firing support. Setsuna was up next and was about to attack Trilobite when his concentration on the battle was momentarily distracted. His mind subconsciously thought up Marina's offer to return to Azadistan with her. Setsuna refocused on the battle and eliminated Trilobite. Their next target was the A-Laws MS sea carrier above the sea.

Allelujah told Setsuna they were heading to the surface and Setsuna grabbed onto Arios' fin for a ride up. Allelujah/Arios executed Trans-Am to quickly reach to the surface to finish off A-Laws. Just as Setsuna was about to destroy the MS carrier's command bridge, Mr. Bushido/GNX-704T/AC Ahead Sakigake rammed Setsuna and enaged him in MS combat. While fighting Mr. Bushido, Setsuna recognized "that stubborn guy again" (Graham Aker/Mr. Bushido). Their fight was evenly matched, but the sudden appearance of Katharon convinced A-Laws to make a tactical retreat.

After the battle, there was a request by Katharon for Marina Ismail. Setsuna went with Marina to check out Katharon and was surprised at the strength of their organization. It was then Shirin Bakhtiar appeared to Marina and requested Celestial Being for a meeting.

Meeting with Katharon

Setsuna, Tieria, Sumeragi, Saji, Marina entered the Rub' al Khali desert with a CB VTOL craft with Lockon/Cherudim and Allelujah/Arios as escorts to meet with Katharon. As they entered their secret base, Katharon rebels greeted Setsuna and the Meisters as their idols. After the pleasantries, they were taken to room for a private meeting.

Shirin thanked Celestial Being for taking care of Marina and she intended to take over her care. Setsuna and the rest had no objections and Setsuna wanted Saji to be taken in as well. Saji objected Setsuna's decision without his approval, but Sumeragi told him it was for the best. While talking, children suddenly ran into the meeting out of playful curiosity. Setsuna had the sudden suspicion/apprehension they were being raised as child guerrillas like him when he was young. Shirin explained to him that they were orphaned children, adopted refugees and not raised adolescent militia. After the kids left to play with Marina, they got to the point of their meeting. Klaus proposed an alliance between Katharon and Celestial Being to bring down the Earth Sphere Federation, but Sumeragi declined them. Setsuna explained that their goal was to eliminate A-Laws, not the Federation. Klaus at least wanted a partnership of some kind with Celestial Being, but ultimately both parties couldn't join together.

While outside the doorway of the children's playroom, Setsuna saw Marina encouraging a shy boy to play together with the rest of the kids. Marina's kindness to the kids reminded him of his mother (or sister, it was never clearly defined). His remembrance of his painful past motivated him to leave. As he was walking away from the playroom, Saji reminded him that the kids were victims as a result of Celestial Being changing the world. Setsuna didn't deny it and even agreed with Saji. Saji asked if Setsuna felt anything anything about it, at which he replied, "Oh I feel something. I can never enter that place again." Saji wanted to know why Setsuna continued fighting, he replied, "Because I have my reasons. I don't think you can understand them. I don't care if you curse my name" (or "hate me", depending on the translation) and walked off.

Azadistan Burns

As Celestial Being got ready to leave, Setsuna intended to return Marina to Azadistan. Sumeragi was concerned that a Gundam in Azadistan would have political implications and Setsuna suggested to take the VTOL craft instead. Sumeragi permitted Setsuna to take the VTOL craft to escort Marina, while the rest headed back to Ptolemy II. Shortly after, Setsuna and Marina headed off to Azadistan.

As Setsuna and Marina got closer to Azadistan, Marina was excited to see her country. Once the plane flew into Azadistan territory, the two were in shock as the city was in flames. Setsuna wondered who could've caused this and eliminated the possibility of terrorism. Seconds later, he spotted a mobile suit hovering above the burning city and realized it wass a Gundam. Judging by the design and coloring, Setsuna dreaded that it was Ali Al-Saachez. Against Marina's objections, Setsuna flew back to Katharon's secret base to drop Marina off to safety, only to find the base has also been devastated.

Defending Katharon

While stationed at the devastated Katharon base, Setsuna found Tieria next to a broken down Saji. Tieria filled him on the details that A-Laws had attacked Katharon and it had been caused by Saji. Later on board their VTOL craft, Setsuna reported his findings to his fellow Meisters about Azadistan. While suspecting it was the work of the Federation and talking about the appearance of a Gundam, the Meisters suddenly received news of Sumeragi's collapse and were ordered to return aboard Ptolemy II.

With the Katharon base destroyed by the Federation and low on resources, Celestial Being offered food, supplies, and temporary protection to help them relocate to their alternate base. Timing was a concern because A-Laws could return to finish off what was left of Katharon. To prevent this, Setsuna and the rest of the crew decided to distract and hold off A-Laws by luring them into a fight at the shoreline, giving surviving Katharon members time to escape.

Setsuna and the rest of the Meister's sortied to combat A-Laws. As Setsuna/00 was setting up for launch, he was concerned over the Gundam he had seen over Azadistan (Ali Al-Saachez/GNW-20000 Arche Gundam), but re-focused on the current battle and launched. While combating GN-X's, Mr. Bushido/Sakigake appeared for an aggressive high speed duel against Setsuna/00. The fight wasn't evenly matched, Setsuna had difficulty handling Mr. Bushido without more speed and power. After Setsuna/00 got his GN Shield destroyed, he risked using Trans Am to finish the fight. Trans Am allowed Setsuna to excel speeds beyond Mr. Bushido's/Sakigake's ability and cut off his right MS arm. As Mr. Bushido tried to evade, Setsuna was going for the final blow to finish him when 00 Gundam's GN Drives overloaded and broke down. With Setsuna/00 dead in the water, Mr. Bushido had Setsuna for the taking, but decided to let him off as he wanted an honorable kill and flew off. Tieria/Seravee and Lockon/Cherudim defended Setsuna's/00's position for the duration of the battle. Sumeragi woke up not long to command the Ptolemy II crew to fire a smoke screen that forced A-Laws to make a tactical retreat and Setsuna was taken back to the ship. After Setsuna was brought back to Ptolemy II, a search and rescue mission started after Alleljah/Arios that had been reported missing.

Ian wasn't pleased with Setsuna after warning him many times about Trans-Am's instability issues. Due to the need for everyone MS for battle, Saji was asked to help repair 00 Gundam. Setsuna asked Saji if it was a problem to repair a Gundam but Saji didn't have a problem with it. Saji wanted to atone for his actions on Katharon and willingly helped repair 00 Gundam to protect them from Federation forces. While repairing 00 Gundam, news of Allelujah's location brought a sense of relief to the crew and Setsuna smiled for the first time in the series (propmting Saji to say that Setsuna could also smile).

Federation Banquet Investigation

While getting an update on their repaired Gundams and news of their completed support units from Ian, Wang Liu Mei called in. She sent news of a Federation banquet with prominent figures including an unknown important figure of A-Laws attending the dinner. Tieria jumped at the chance to volunteer, "I want to see our true enemy with my own eyes." Setsuna volunteered to provide backup. Sumeragi allowed them both to go, but they had to follow her instructions to infiltrate the banquet.

Banquet Infiltration

Under Sumeragi's instructions, both Tieria and Setsuna brought their Gundams along and hid them in a safe location before the investigation. Tieria showed up cross dressed as an upper class beauty, with a purple dress and accessories (breasts, makeup, woman's voice, etc) to complete the disguise. Setsuna dressed up as his chauffeur and escorted Tieria in a classic Rolls Royce-like car to enter the banquet. They successfully infiltrated the banquet with forged invitations and began their investigation. Setsuna remained outside the banquet on standby while Tieria mingled in the banquet.

Chatting with Louise

During the banquet, Setsuna did some work on his tablet pad when Louise Halevy spotted him. Setsuna recognized her as Saji's girlfriend and the two had a chat. Louise asked about Saji and Setsuna gave her half-truth information about his life. For obvious reasons Setsuna couldn't tell her Saji was a guest technician for Celestial Being, instead he said he had bumped into Saji in a space colony while at work (which technically did happen), but never mentioned how he was framed to be a Katharon member and his other recent exploits. He noticed that Louise had unusual markings on her left arm and asked about it, but she only excused it off as a result of an accident. Setsuna remembered Saji mentioning about how Louise got hurt because of Celestial Being. While trying to tell Louise that Saji still thought about her, she suddenly suffered nausea and headaches. Billy Katagiri was walking nearby and also noticed Louise in trouble, he turned out to help, but when asking about her condition, Billy realized that he was talking to Setsuna. Billy shouted loudly that the chauffeur was a Celestial Being member. Setsuna had to flee from the scene, he then regrouped with Tieria. They discarded their disguises, and retreated to their Gundams.

Ali Al-Saachez Returns

While Setsuna/00 and Tieria/Seravee headed back to Ptolemy II, Setsuna apologized for getting his cover blown. Tieria commented "Even so, I found it, Setsuna. The distortion of the world. That's right. With the Gundams, we'll eliminate the distortion of the world!" Just then Ali Al-Saachez/GNW-20000 Arche Gundam appeared for a fight. Ali drew his GN Buster Sword and announced, "Alright, why don't we get started! A war between Gundams of epic proportions!" Ali/Arche quickly launched his GN Fangs for an immediate assault. Setsuna and Tieria had difficulty shooting down the GN Fangs as they were faster and more maneuverable. Ali attacked Setsuna while his GN Fangs kept Tieria distracted. As they clashed swords, Setsuna said, "You're still alive, Ali Al-Saachez!?" Ali replied, "That's right! But you know, thanks to you all, half my body was burnt to ashes! Taking that guy's life (Lockon) alone isn't going to cut it! I'll pay the cost of bringing me back from death with all your lives!" Ali smashed his sword hard onto Setsuna, pushing him a good distance with every successive strike. Tieria intervened and tried shoot down Ali with Twin Buster Cannon, but Ali destroyed his GN Bazooka. Tieria/Seravee then charged through and grabbed Ali/Arche. Seravee's lower right GN Cannon transformed into a third MS arm, loaded with a GN Beam Saber and failed to pierce him as Alie evaded. Ali also revealed GN Beam Sabers built into the foot of Arche Gundam. Ali cut off Seravee's right knee GN Cannon with a beam saber kick. Setsuna/00 charged to strike Ali, but Ali blocked the attack. Tieria/Seravee and Setsuna/00 did a double-team attack on Ali, but he launched his GN Fangs while crossing swords and shot both Gundams. Ali/Arche intended to finish both of them off when Lockon/Cherudim and Allelujah/Arios came for backup. Knowing the odds were against him, Ali retreated to safety. Tieria still wanted to chase Ali, but Allelujah stopped him. Tieria explained the man that had just fled was Lockon's nemesis. The Gundam Meisters returned to Ptolemy II under Sumeragi's orders.

Return to Lagrange 3

Ptolemy II and it's crew prepared to return to space. Sumeragi predicted that they would encounter an inescapable situation by A-Laws in a matter of 12 hours. There was also a need for repairs, maintenance, upgrades, and picking up the new support units from Lagrange 3. Feldt Grace and Mileina prepared for atmospheric exit sequence as the Meisters talked in the briefing room.

Opportunity for Vengeance

While telling Saji about his encounter with Louise, Lockon and Tieria walked in to talk about Ali Al-Saachez. After Lyle learned how his brother had died to settle a grudge against Ali, Lyle said he wasn't the sort of person to brood over it. Setsuna then asked Lyle, "Even if that nemesis is in front of you right now?" Tieria and Allelujah wanted to stop Setsuna from mentioning the subject, but he felt it was something that had to be said. Setsuna explained to Lyle that he was formally a member of KPSA, the same group that was involved his family's death. He told him how his comrades infiltrated places for suicide attacks. One of his comrades had blown up the very building that killed Lockon's family. Setsuna felt that if he had tried to stop his comrades from those suicide missions, Lockon/Neil wouldn't have become a Gundam Meister and wouldn't have died in battle. Lyle believed terrorism would've still continued if Setsuna had done anything and he stated that it was important to focus on fighting for the future.

Trans-Am Launch

Setsuna met up with Tieria at the observation room to discuss about the source of distortion he had mentioned earlier. Tieria was in deep thought and by the time he was about to answer, the crew was under attack by A-Laws (6 Trilobites, 3 MS sea carriers, and 2-3 squads of GN-Xs). Tieria and Setsuna boarded their Gundams to prepare for battle. As Ptolemy II headed towards the surface, Setsuna felt discontent, leaving behind the Middle East as it was and running away from A-Laws. Ptolemy II took advantage of the momentum caused by the initial torpedo attack and utilized Arios', Cherudim's, and Seravee's Trans-Am power to launch into space. Sumeragi anticipated the possibility of A-Laws intercepting them in space and had Setsuna/00 sortie near the end of their atmospheric exit.

As Sumeragi anticipated, A-Laws had a GN-X squadron along with a battle cruiser to intercept them (commanded by Lt. Colonel Lee Zhejiang) during their atmospheric exit. Setsuna caught up with Ptolemy II and took out two GN-X III's and attacked the battle cruiser. Setsuna charged through the battle cruiser's beam blasts and fired two beam shots to the bridge, destroying the ship and bugging out the remaining four GN-X III units.

Innovator Encounter

En route to their secret asteroid base, Setsuna was performing maintenance 00 Gundam and started reflecting recent events. He thought about Ali Al-Saachez's return and Marina's losing of Azadistan, he felt that nothing had changed. Just then a tactical alert was announced, e-sensors picked a high speed unidentified MS unit heading their way (GNZ-005 Garazzo). With the rest of the Gundams under repair, Setsuna/00 sortied first.

As Setsuna drew closer, he identified the MS unit as a new A-Laws model. As he tried to shoot Bring Stabity/Garazzo, the unit was capable of generating its own GN Field. Bring/Garazzo fired upon Setsuna he got close enough for CQC (close quarter combat). Bring tried to slash Setsuna with his beam claws, but Setsuna blocked the attack with his sword. Bring merged the five beam claws into a single beam saber, cutting through 00 Gundam's sword. Ptolemy II and Lockon/Cherudim provided backup. Bring evaded all incoming fire and just left. Sumeragi surmised that this attack had a feint and a warning to them.

00 Raiser Trials

Ptolemy II reached Lagrange 3 and the crew was introduced to Linda Vashti (Ian's wife and Meleina's mom) and the new CB MS engineer Anew Returner. Their arrival was urgent as A-Laws was lurking about and Sumeragi wanted all necessities (repairs, maintenance, upgrades, transportation of equipment) completed asap. Ian and Linda showed Setsuna GNR-010 0 Raiser, Linda mentioned on how 0 Raiser can regulate 00's Twin Drive System and amplify its Trans-Am capabilities. Ian wanted immediate testing done and Setsuna obliged.

0 Raiser docked onto 00 Gundam, Ian had Setsuna activate Trans-Am to test its GN particle output. With the test benchmark being 00 Gundam's normal particle output, the numbers exceeded far beyond everyone's expectations. 00 Raiser was capable of exceeding 290% in particle output and broke theoretical expectations. Setsuna was impressed by 00 Raiser's performance, believing his Gundam had the power to change the world.

Destroy Memento Mori

Setsuna and the rest of the group had a meeting, sensors had detected an unusual heat signature on Earth's surface. When the crew gathered to see the anomaly, Sumeragi confirmed it had been caused by a satellite weapon, Memento Mori. Sumeragi made the decision to destroy the Federation's satellite weapon as soon as work on Ptolemy II was complete.

Innovator Revelation

As the crew was about to prepare for the destruction of Memento Mori, Tieria stopped everyone to reveal the existence of Innovator and their intentions. The crew finally learned of the shadow group of living bio-terminals that was responsible for creating Team Trinity, the three Gundam Thrones, and the 30 GN-X MS units with false GN Drives (that were given to the UN Forces). Tieria reasoned that he hadn't spoken about it earlier because he was conflicted as the Innovator had claimed to follow Aeolia Schenberg's plan. Setsuna announced with confidence, "I'll defeat A-Laws and exterminate Innovator...I will, through my own will."-the crew concurred with his sentiment.

Preemptive A-Laws Strike

As the crew made the final preparations to Memento Mori, Saji told Setsuna he intended to stay on Ptolemy II to help the crew. Just then, L3 base was attacked by A-Laws. Setsuna and CB members throughout L3 scrambled for emergency action. Setsuna/00 sortied ahead of Ptolemy II to engage A-Laws MS units. As Setsuna headed out, he asked Ian if 0 Raiser was ready for use, but Ian needed more time to calibrate the systems. Sumeragi had Setsuna defend Ptolemy II against the first wave, but he was stalled when Patrick/GN-X III fired a plasma field. Setsuna/00 managed to shake off the electrical shock and destroyed the field emitters to resume combat.

As Setsuna continued fighting, Louise Halevy/GNX-704T/SP Ahead Smultron, Barack Zinin/GNX-704T Ahead, and Andrei Smirnov/GNX-609T GN-XIII attempted to isolate him, preventing his returning to the main group. They intended to triple-team against Setsuna/00, but Saji/0 Raiser came to assist. Setsuna at first thought it was Ian coming for him, but Setsuna was surprised to see Saji Crossroad inside 0 Raiser. Setsuna attempted to engage docking sequence with 0 Raiser, but had opposition as Andrei/GN-X III attempted to stop him. Setsuna elbowed Andrei flung a beam saber at Louise/Smultron when she tried to chase after him. Setsuna the enemy GN-X's long enough to engaged the docking sensor and successfully docked with 0 Raiser to become GN-0000+GNR-010 00 Raiser.

00 Raiser's Twin Drive System immediately went to maximum particle output and Setsuna/00 Raiser engaged high speed combat. Setsuna was pursued by Barrack/Ahead around an asteroid, but 00 Raiser was so fast that Setsuna/Saji went around the asteroid and destroyed Barrack from behind. Andrei/GN-X III and Louise/Smultron attempted to catch up with 00 Raiser, but 00 Raiser was too fast.

Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser attempted to regroup with Ptolemy II, but Bring/Garazzo appeared to fight. Setsuna executed Trans-Am to quickly end the fight. As Trans-Am activated, an unexpected event happened, Setsuna and Saji were able to hear all the voices of everyone close to them, including Louise's (much to Saji's shock). Even though Setsuna didn't understand the quantum effect of the GN particles, he continued fighting. Bring engaged him in melee combat and they clashed swords. Setsuna managed to scratch Garazzo's right chest and evaded enemy fire. Setsuna appeared behind the asteroid and sprayed a hail of fire upon Garazzo's head, temporarily blinding Bring. Bring quickly got back visual sensors and resumed CQC with Setsuna. Setsuna avoided Garazzo's attacks and kicked him downwards, followed by a another hail of fire and forced Bring to emergency eject for safety.

Setsuna saw Lockon/Cherudim about to be attacked from a pincer attack and assisted him. Setsuna fired cutting beams from his GN Sword II (rifle mode) and saved Lockon. As Setsuna continued shooting/cutting down several enemy GN-X units, Setsuna heard Revive Revival's voice from a distance. Setsuna closed in behind the asteroid where Revive/Gadessa was about to fire its GN Mega Launcher. Setsuna attempted to cut the asteroid along with Revive. Revive/Gadessa evaded the attack and attempted to incinerate Setsuna with his particle beam blast. Setsuna evaded and charged at Revive for a defeating blow. Revive attempted to counter with a beam saber attack and stabbed Setsuna, only to discover the object was a particle mirage. Setsuna attacked from the side and sliced off Gadessa's GN Mega Launcher. Revive tried to attack Setsuna, but only managed to hit another particle mirage. Setsuna attacked Gadessa from behind and cut its left shoulder down, defeating Gadessa and forced Revive to emergency eject.

Setsuna/00 Raiser had little time as Trans-Am was about to deactivate. Saji suddenly ejected 0 Raiser from 00, he wanted to be with Louise after finding out she was part of A-Laws; 0 Raiser had spent all of its GN particles and was immobilized. The A-Laws units were given orders to retreat and the battle was over. As everyone had a temporary sigh of relief from the battle, Setsuna watched Saji desperately trying to move 0 Raiser to get to Louise. Setsuna returned with Saji/0 Raiser to Ptolemy II for maintenance.

Fighting for Saji
Setsuna punched to the floor

Setsuna found Saji depressed inside the container observation room. Saji told him that he had heard Louise's voice from a mobile suit. Setsuna wondered why would Louise join A-Laws and Saji angrily pointed out that it was for her obvious hatred for the Gundams. Saji blamed Celestial Being for causing Louise to become a soldier. Watching Saji distraught and asking the question, "Why did something like this happen?", made Setsuna wonder the same question with his guerrilla past and thought about fighting fate. Setsuna then told Saji he had to fight to recover Louise, but Saji was angry at the suggestion. To Saji, fighting to get Louise back would mean killing people. Setsuna explained that fighting didn't mean killing people, it could just be a means to recover Louise. Saji felt Setsuna was mincing words since fighting would always hurt other people and possibly Louise. Setsuna told Saji to fight for his own sake, but Saji was only enraged and punched Setsuna down to the floor. Saji responded, "Don't even joke about that! I'm not like the rest of you! Don't treat me like I'm one of you!" and stormed out of the room.

Lockon/Lyle overheard their conversation from outside and walked in to talk. Lockon told Setsuna's conversation with Saji was awkward as he could have simply suggested to Saji, "I'll do the fighting. Even if I can't persuade you, I'll bring back the girl from A-Laws by any means necessary." Setsuna responded, "I'm not going limit the possibilities to the best case scenario." Lockon pointed out his eagerness to help Saji suggest otherwise. Lockon asked if this was atoning for his past and Setsuna said, "It's not about the past. This is for the future". Later, Ptolemy II activated Trans-Am to quickly reach to Memento Mori.

Battle of Memento Mori

As Ptolemy II headed to Memento Mori, the crew noticed the satellite laser cannon firing its third shot. The crew was surprised that the weapon could fire into space as well. Tieria wondered what was the Federation aiming at and Lyle told them the target was a Katharon space fleet. Setsuna thought this was the Federation's doing, but in retrospect, he believed this to be the work of Innovator. Once in range of the Katharon battle fleet, Setsuna/00 Raiser sortied ahead to assist Katharon. Setsuna saved the commanding Katharon vessel and informed them that Celestial Being would destroy the satellite cannon. Setsuna then asked for tactical data pertaining Memento Mori and Katharon obliged. After confirming the data transfer, Setsuna instructed Katharon to move to the underside of the orbital ring to prevent the cannon from shooting them.

While the Ptolemy II and crew head towards Memento Mori, Setsuna/00 Raiser remained with the Katharon battle fleet to eliminate enemy GN-X's. During the battle Healing Care/GNZ-003 Gadessa noticed 00 Raiser and attempted to snipe Setsuna with its GN Mega Launcher. Setsuna evaded the particle beam and returned fire, grazing Gadessa's right foot. Setsuna didn't pursue Healing/Gadessa, he engaged nearby enemy GN-X's instead. At his 8th kill, Sumeragi informed him that they would be starting their mission. As Setsuna reached his 9th kill, Healing attempted to destroy 00 Raiser while Setsuna was still finishing off his enemy GN-X. Setsuna evaded the blast again and engaged Healing in MS melee combat. As Setsuna and Healing clashed swords, Memento Mori fired upon Ptolemy II. Healing gloated at Setsuna, telling him "it's over", but the gloating was short lived as Ptolemy II managed to survive the assault with Trans-Am.

Healing let Setsuna/00 Raiser handle some GN-X's as she tried to shoot down Ptolemy II. Setsuna quickly attacked Gadessa from the left flank and destroyed its GN Mega Launcher while reminding Healing that he was her true opponent. 00 Raiser and Gadessa re-engaged MS melee combat. While fighting, destruction of Memento Mori was confirmed and Setsuna was called back to Ptolemy II. Setsuna headed towards Ptolemy II, but not without Gadessa trailing him and trying to destroy him. Healing kept firing at Setsuna, but encountered a red beam blast from an unknown bogey (Nena Trinity/Riian). Setsuna' took advantage of the moment, chopped off Gadessa's right arm and retreated. As Setsuna headed back, he realized that whoever had helped him had a false GN-Drive.

The Search for Ptolemy

Setsuna had been given coordinates to rendezvous with Ptolemy II. When Setsuna/00 Raiser arrived to the designated area, there were only wreckage remains of Ptolemy. Setsuna feared the worse, but the wreckage was inconsistent to the total destruction of the ship. Setsuna continued searching the area when Nena Trinity/Riian came. Setsuna wasn't sure of Nena's intentions and took an offensive position in case there was deception. Nena was talking in a flirtatious matter and told him that had Ptolemy descended to Earth. Nena offered to transmit combat data to him regarding Ptolemy, but Setsuna had no time for Nena and jetted away. Setsuna entered Earth in search of Ptolemy and its crew.

Meeting Ribbons Almark

Setsuna/00 Raiser entered the middle eastern region of Earth, still unable to detect Ptolemy and his comrades. He descended upon the remains of the Richiela Kingdom, Memento Mori had destroyed the country and its inhabitants earlier. While reflecting on the decimation, beleiving it to be the work of Innovator, sensors picked up Ali Al-Saachez/Arche Gundam passing by. Setsuna was angered by Ali's presence and gave chase. Setsuna tried to shoot Ali down, but he evaded his shots. Setsuna wanted to know where Ali was heading to, and sensors showed they were flying towards the remains of the former Republic of Krugis. As they reached their destination, Arche Gundam began descending and Ali exited out of his cockpit with a mocking smile.

Once they landed, Setsuna exited his cockpit and Ali greeted him in a friendly manner. Setsuna responded, "Ali Al-Saachez, you bastard! You're working with Innovator!" Ali replied, "That's right. If a mercenary recieves a request, it's our guarantee to go wherever we're needed." Setsuna asked "So you fighting for no reason!?" Ali replied, "I have one. Not like you would understand it though." Setsuna pulled out his weapon and was about to shoot Ali when he told him to "wait". Ali proceeded to explain, "I brought you here because someone wants to see you, my sponsor", Ribbons Almark then appeared before Setsuna.

Setsuna had strong suspicions and asked Ribbons, "Are you an Innovator!? Ribbons answered, "That's right. My name is Ribbons, Ribbons Almark. It's been a long time, Setsuna F. Seiei. No, Soran Ibrahim" Setsuna was surprised he knew his real name. Ribbons continued, "That's right, this is your first time meeting me. But that's not the case for me. I met you 11 years ago...yes, right here...In this quagmire of a battlefield, where you foolish humans fought each other. Within it, one boy desperately running for his life. I saw you. From the cockpit of a mobile suit" Setsuna was surprised and wondered, "It can't be!? In that suit? In 0 Gundam!?" Ribbons explained, "That armed intervention was a performance evaluation of 0 Gundam. As it was highly classified material, I was supposed to erase everyone from that location. However, I spared you. The eyes with which you stared at 0 gundam-at me-were very impressive you see. That's not all, the one who used Veda and recommended you to be a Gundam Meister was me." Setsuna was shocked and asked, "Do you want me to thank you?" Ribbons replied, "Since your task is over, I just thought it was about time you returned what's mine. That is essentially the suit I should be piloting after all." Setsuna briefly thought about it and replied, "Sorry, but I refuse!", and pulled out his gun to shoot Ribbons. Ali intervened by shooting Setsuna, he suffered a bullet injury under his right shoulder. Setsuna retreated back into 00 Raiser.

Hearing a Song

Setsuna was losing blood and he was in serious pain, but he had to fight Ali/Arche. Setsuna tried to shoot Ali, but Ali evaded and forced Setsuna to block his GN Buster Sword chop with his injured right arm. Ali sarcastically asked, "How's your shoulder injury!?" as he made a few more strikes, forcing Setsuna to use his bad arm. Ali unleashed his GN Fangs against 00 Rasier but Setsuna managed to shoot two GN Fangs down. Ali took opportunity on his offensive guile and tried to slice Setsuna with his left beam saber foot. Setsuna dodged the attack and countered by chopping off Arche Gundam's left leg. Setsuna continued firing at Ali, but he continued evading.

While fighting, Ali noticed an airplane flying nearby (a Katharon envoy with Klaus Grado and Shirin) and attempted to use the it as hostage. Ali flew up close to the airplane and drew his GN Buster Sword near the plane to gain an upper hand against Setsuna, but he didn't anticipate the quantum effect of 00 Raiser. Setsuna activated Trans-Am and utilized the mirage effect to gain up close to Ali/Arche. Setsuna kicked Ali away from the plane and he unleashed his GN Fangs again to distract Setsuna. Setsuna vaporized all of Arche Gundam's Fangs in one large blast and charged after Ali. Ali tried to chop down Setsuna, but Trans-Am gave 00 Rasier incredible speed to dodge the attack and chop off Arche Gundam's right arm. Setsuna then stabbed Arche Gundam's right leg and went for a finishing blow. Setsuna was about to drive his GN Sword into Arche Gundam's torso but he suddenly paused when he heard Marina Ismail's voice and her singing with the orphan children. Arche Gundam was too damaged to continue fighting. Ali took advantage of Setsuna's pause and emergency ejected out of the exploding Arche Gundam and flew to safety.

In Marina's Care
Setsuna wounded

Setsuna/00 Rasier found the Katharon base nearby and landed. Setsuna exited 00 Raiser and was greeted by Marina Ismail. Weakened from the bullet wound, loss of blood, and battle with Ali/Arche, Setsuna succumbed to his injury and collapsed to the floor. Katharon members gave Setsuna medical treatment. They removed his bullet, bandaged his arm, and left him resting in the children's playroom with Marina.

In the middle of a dream state, Setsuna found himself back in the Republic of Krugis on the night he killed his family. He saw his younger self, eager to kill his family to prove his worth to God. Setsuna ran to his house and stopped his younger self from shooting his family. Soran asked Setsuna, "What are you doing!? I'm doing this to protect God's teachings!" Setsuna told his younger self, "there's no God in this world! He doesn't exist. What you're doing is a cowardly ritual that will only bring forth more violence!" Setsuna shoved Soran to his parents and told them to keep him in the house and ran outside. Setsuna went to see if more armed children were going to kill their families and bumped into the fallen Lockon/Neil. Lockon told him, "Setsuna...the thing only thing you can change about the past is how you feel about it now. Nothing else can change. Other people's feelings...Much less their lives...-'" Setsuna suddenly heard a gunshot from his house, only to realize the gun he had taken from his younger self earlier was gone. He realized that his younger self had murdered his parents again in cold blood. Lockon then told him, "Setsuna, you have to change. To make up for me, who didn't change." Setsuna then woke up to hear the orphaned children singing.

Setsuna asked Marina about the song he had heard earlier and Marina explained it was a song of the children's wishes. Setsuna tried to get up, but he was still in a lot of pain. Marina told him, "You can't move yet! We removed the bullet, but we don't have any cell regeneration equipment here!" Marina tried to help Setsuna, but he was eager to leave. Marina said, "Just rest while you wound heals! The letter you wrote to me four years ago said, 'I'm searching for an answer on the road of mutual human understanding.' Understanding each other starts from knowing each other. For the time being, why don't we try to do that?" The children saw how Marina was caring for Setsuna in a tenderly way and left them alone to be lovey-dovey.

Setsuna talked about his experiences and past as a kid with Marina. After hearing his experiences, Marina responded, "That's...I never knew you had such an experience during the Krugis war..." Setsuna replied, "It's something that happened more than 10 years ago." Marina asked, "So that's why you detest war...?" Setsuna replied in silence. Marina then changed the subject and talked about her childhood. Marina described her early life, "A-as for me, I was raised in a regular home, like you could find anywhere. I love music and if I could have, I would have pursued that path, but...because of my bloodline, I was chosen to the the Princess of Azadistan." Setsuna replied, "I really think...A life as a muscian would suit you better than living as the princess of a whole country." Marina though out loud to Setsuna, "I wonder if I was being foolish...But...I think you're the same...You're forcing yourself to fight..." Just then, Ikeda walked in to inform Setsuna, "We've gotten news that your ship has received supplies form our Europe subdivision." After hearing news of his comrades, Setsuna decided to go intercept them.

Marina helped Setsuna to the MS hangar to board 00 Raiser. Marina asked, "Are you really alright with your body like this Setsuna?" Setsuna replied, "My friends are waiting..." Before Setsuna headed off, he told Marina, "Marina...Next time we meet, I'd like to hear the children's song." Marina happily replied, "Of course, So you have to stay safe until then." Setsuna painfully boarded back into 00 Raiser. Still hurting from the bullet wound, Setsuna took an injection (unclear if it's a stim or painkiller) from his first aid box and flew off towards Europe.

Mr. Bushido's Duel

On his way to the last known location of Ptolemy II, there was news of a coup d'etat within the ESF, involving the AEU orbital elevator in Africa. Setsuna believed there was a good chance of meeting his comrades there and altered his course. As he neared the elevator, Mr. Bushido/GNX-U02X Masurao appeared for a fight. Setsuna didn't want to be bothered by him, but Mr. Bushido shockingly activated his own version of Trans-Am and charged at Setsuna/00 Raiser, forcing him to fight.

Setsuna/00 Raiser defended against the initial high speed assault of Mr. Bushido/Masurao, but his injury was affecting his ability to fight. Mr. Bushido/Masurao took advantage of Setsuna's momentary pause and charged with his two GN Beam Katanas. Setsuna quickly activated his GN Field to block the attack. The GN Beam Katanas were still penetrating through the GN Field and Setsuna had to activate Trans-Am to engage in a high speed sword fight. As the two continued clashing swords, Sumeragi's voice came over the com. Lockon/Cherudim, Tieria/Seravee, Allelujah/Arios sortied and attacked to help Setsuna. Mr. Bushido made a tactical retreat as his GN Tau Particles were nearly spent.

Setsuna was succumbing to his injuries again. Even in his worn state, he asked, "Is everyone alright?". Setsuna no longer had the strength to pilot 00 Raiser and it started to fall. Lockon and Allelujah quickly grabbed 00 Raiser to support him. As Setsuna was about to lose consciousness, Lockon's (Neil) words ran through his mind. "Setsuna, you have to change. To make up for me, who didn't change." Setsuna said to himself, "I understand Lockon....I will change right here. I'll force myself to change." Setsuna was taken back to Ptolemy for medical treatment.

Break Pillar Incident

Destroy Memento Mori No.2

Setsuna was receiving medical attention from Anew Returner in the medical bay when Feldt announced the existence of a second Memento Mori. The rest of the Meisters sortied with their Gundams to the battlefield to engage the Federation Army. Sumeragi wanted to launch Ptolemy into space to stop Memento Mori, but Ian said that was impossible in Ptolemy's state. Setsuna overheard the conversation as he walked into the MS hanger bay and suggested 00 Raiser. Sumeragi was against the idea in his condition, but Setsuna insisted to Sumeragi, "The only thing that can stop the satellite weapon is 00 Raiser. You should know that too." As Setsuna put on his helmet to sortie, Ian told him that 0 Raiser needed a pilot and suggested getting Lasse, but Setsuna suggested Saji instead. Saji was surprised he had been asked and Setsuna told him, "60 thousand lives are on the line. This is a battle to protect them. The probability of success is low...but I don't want to give up before I've even tried!" Saji agreed and launched 0 Raiser with Setsuna/00. Soon as Setsuna/00 and Saji/0 Raiser launched into the atmosphere, Setsuna commenced docking sequence to become 00 Raiser and darted towards the second Memento Mori.

Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser had reached in attack range of Memento Mori and Setsuna had Saji activate the Raiser System. As GN systems synchronized and began to charge 00 Raiser, Devine Nova/GNMA-Y0001 Empruss suddenly appeared for a fight. Devine/Empruss fired at 00 Raiser, but Setsuna evaded the initial attack. Devine then circled around (while exchanging beam fire) and attacked from above. Devine deployed his grappling taser weapon to stun 00 Raiser while Empruss' particle beam cannon charged. As Devine/Empruss tried to close in the distance for a close proximity finish, 00 Raiser just completed charging and Setsuna activated Trans-Am Raiser. Trans-Am Raiser generated a powerful mega GN Beam Saber (Raiser Sword) and Devine/Empruss quickly reacted with GN Field, but the Raiser Sword was too powerful and destroyed Empruss (cut down in half). Setsuna then adjusted the Raiser Sword to cut down Memento Mori. Even though Memento Mori was successfully destroyed, it didn't prevent Memento Mori from making one last shot towards the AEU orbital elevator.

As Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser fell downward to Earth, Setsuna cried out "STOP!" as Memento Mori made its first and last shot at the orbital elevator. The blast from Memento Mori caused the outer wall components of the elevator to auto-purge. Setsuna flew back into battlefield to team up with his fellow Meisters (including Katharon, A-Laws, ESF-Army, and Coup ESF-Army faction) to destroy the falling debris. After several hours of shooting down the falling debris to protect the inhabitants nearby, Setsuna/Saji and the rest of the Meisters returned to Ptolemy evade enemy forces.

Post Break Pillar Seclusion

After the battle, Setsuna and the rest of the Ptolemy crew went under the radar for several months from Federation forces. With the Federation Army under direct control of A-Laws and without having recovered from previous battles, the Ptolemy crew evaded A-Laws' attention until they could be at full strength once again. In between this time, Setsuna and the Ptolemy crew was attacked more than 20 times due to Anew's presence with the group. Revive Revival was able to use her as a Innovator homing beacon to locate them. The series of assaults slowed them down, but they were able to gradually resume normal operations. In between last 4 months, Setsuna was still recovering from his bullet wound, medical tests showed he had suffered GN T particle poisoning from his encounter with Ali. The false GN particles had caused cellular degeneration near the wound and it was spreading outwards in his body. Anew had been routinely checking on Setsuna's condition to monitor his malignant condition as he continued to pilot 00 Gundam.

Destroy Memento Mori No.3

Four months had passed, Setsuna and rest of the Ptolemy group have returned to normal battle strength and discovered the location of a third Memento Mori at the lower orbital ring. Setsuna had Saji join him in battle with 00 Raiser once again to destroy the satellite weapon. While Lockon/Cherudim and Tieria/Seravee focused on A-Laws MS opposition, Allelujah/Soma Peries/Archer Arios acted as combat support to 00 Raiser. Soma was too eager for a fight and detached from Arios to battle A-Laws, Setsuna told Allelujah to support Soma as he waited for the Raiser System to synchronize and charge. Soon as Saji notified him the Raiser System was ready, Trans-Am Riser was activated and 00 Raiser generated a mega GN Beam Saber that sliced through Memento Mori (in a fallen L-shape cut). Memento Mori was once again destroyed and everyone returned to Ptolemy II for maintenance and to reconnoiter their situation.

Setsuna went back to the infirmary to have his wound checked by Anew. Tieria and Sumeragi were present to check on his condition. Results showed that his degenerative condition was spreading (due to the GN T poisoning), but not as malignant as Lasse's condition. Anew believed that something was slowing down the malignancy in his right arm, but she was not sure of the cause. As the three talked and thought out loud, Setsuna's mind thought about Ali and Innovators. Setsuna thought, "Ali, the Innovators' scheme to obtain other words, the enemy doesn't have information on the Twin Drive. Our triumph card"

Taking Back Veda

After much effort to battle A-Laws, Celestial Being was still nowhere close in winning their fight against the corrupted Federation force. A-Laws has become a bigger threat as they assimilated the Federation Army and manipulated the media to keep the public ignorantly at peace. Tieria, Sumeragi, Setsuna and the rest of the bridge crew discussed over their complications in defeating such a formidable force. Tieria suggested to Sumeragi that i was time to consider re-taking Veda. Sumeragi also believed that taking back Veda would help turn the tide in their campaign, but nobody knew where Veda was. Setsuna suggested to find someone who knew the whereabouts of Veda, in other words, asking an Innovator for Veda's whereabouts. Shortly after their conversation, A-Laws found them again (through Anew) and Setsuna suited up to sortie.

Seeing Louise Together
Encouraging Saji to fight

Setsuna was heading to the MS hanger when Saji appeared along the way. Saji began talking to him, "There was a suit piloted by Louise with the A-Laws forces. These past for months, we've continued to run from the enemy to reorganize our fighting strength. But you're going to keep fighting?" Setsuna replied, "Yes". Saji then asked, "Do you intend to shoot Louise?" Setsuna replied, "That's up to you. Destruction isn't the only thing that battles bring. The can also create something. I believe that. I believe that our Gundams are capable of doing that. The rest is up to you." Saji responded, "I can't pull a trigger." Setsuna replied, "I understand.". Saji proceeded to say, "I can't do anything but cry out for Louise." Setsuna replied again, "I understand." Saji then told Setsuna, "Even so, I...I will-" Setsuna finished his words, "Let's go see Louise Halevy". Saji heartily agreed and both of them sortied for battle. Both pilots launched, immediately commenced docking sequence for 00 Raiser, and darted towards the battlefield. As 00 Raiser took the lead, Setsuna thought of his Gundam's power to make a difference.

Innovator Capture Operation

Sumeragi gave a quick debriefing over their impending battle, warning them of their numbers and reinforcements before they broke off to engage individual targets. Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser shortly encountered enemy beam fire. Setsuna evaded enemy shots and destroyed several GNX IIIs and Aheads. While Setsuna was busy engaging units, he told Saji to find Louise's unit. Revive/Gadessa attempted to vaporize 00 Raiser with GN Mega Launcher, but Setsuna evaded and had Tieria take care of Revive as he continued fighting and searching for Louise/Smultron. While searching, Healing/Garazzo appeared for close quarter MS combat. Healing attempted to cut Setsuna/00 Raiser with Garazzo's GN Beam Claws, but 00 Raiser blocked. While engaging Healing, Setsuna noticed two Aheads uncovering their camouflage to attack Ptolemy. Setsuna executed Trans-Am Riser to evade and flank Healing. Setsuna/00 Raiser generated two large GN Beam Sabers to literally disarm Garazzo's MS arms and flew towards Louise. Sumeragi gave Lasse the order to fire upon Louise/Smultron and Andrei/Ahead with GN Missiles when Setsuna flew by and telepathically told the Ptolemy crew to "STOP!". Trans-Am Riser was generating 7x the amount of GN particles and creating a telepathic link to those close to him. Sumeragi and the rest of the Ptolemy heard his feelings, "Not a weapon...nor a destroyer...Gundam and I will change!" 00 Raiser dashed towards Smultron, and Andrei/Ahead futilely attempted to defend Louise. Andrei was knocked off the side. Setsuna grabbed Smultron and flew away from enemy combatants to give Saji the necessary time to talk to Louise. While 00 Raiser held down Louise/Smultron, Saji attempted to convince her to abandon her ways and return to him, but Andrei/Ahead intervened in the midst of Louise's fragile mental breakdown before recovering Louise. Trans Am Riser was at its limit and Setsuna had to pull out from the battle.

Soon as Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser pulled out, Soma Peries/GN Archer appeared to fight Andrei/Ahead to avenge Sergei Smirnov. Saji was observing the battle and couldn't keep quiet anymore and shouted over the com for Soma to "STOP IT!". Setsuna and the rest of the crew heard Saji plead, "Just stop already! Nothing will change. Even if you take your revenge, it won't bring anyone back. It just increases the suffering. Don't this is just making everyone more won't get anywhere. You won't move forward..." By then the battle was over and Tieria successfully captured Revive Revival to ask him for the location of Veda. While back on board Ptolemy, Setsuna went to check on Saji. Saji was still feeling down from the battle and Setsuna was about to leave the room to give Saji alone time when he surprised him with "I will fight..!" Saji continued saying "To bring Louise back, I'm going to fight my own battle!" Shortly after, Setsuna, Sumeragi, and the rest of the Gundam Meisters were present to interrogate their captured Innovator about Veda. Unknown to them, while Revive Revival introduced himself and talked to Sumeragi, he was influencing Anew with his quantum brainwaves in attempt freeing himself, escape with Anew, and take 00 Gundam to Ribbons.

Innovator Deception

During their interrogation, Setsuna observed as the rest of the Meisters and Sumeragi asked Revive about Veda. Sumeragi asked about Veda's location. Revive claimed, "Well, I really don't know." Allelujah asked, "You don't know, even though you're an Innovator?" Revive replied, "For argument's sake, if I knew the location, what do you intend to do with Veda?" Tieria answered, "Take it back." Revive chuckled and said, "Veda was originally created for us to use" Sumeragi asked, "Then tell me this: What do you intend to use Veda for? What is the real intention of the plan Aeolia drafted?" Revive answered, "It's for the upcoming dialogues.". Allelujah responded, "I don't understand what he's talking about". Revive commented, " That's the limit humans suffer from." Lyle retorted, "I don't think you're in any position to act like you're perfect. You were captured after all." Revive smirked and retorted, "What if I told you...I got caught on purpose?" Feldt suddenly informed them over the com system that Anew hat shot Lasse, taken Mileina hostage, and surprised everyone with her Innovator identity. Revive taked it as his cue to leave. Setsuna tried to stop him with his gun, but Revive explained, "You understand, don't you? If anything happens to me, I can't guarantee the safety of the hostage. Since we're the same type, Anew and I are able to connect our thoughts. You (referencing Tieria, who uses quantum brainwaves) do understand right?" Setsuna and the others had no choice but to let Revive go, seconds later, the Ptolemy's internal systems had been shutdown due to a computer virus.

Soon as the group left the meeting room, Setsuna suggested to split into two groups to search for Mileina. Lyle wondered about Anew's location and Setsuna lead the way (Setsuna's recently evolved quantum senses could hone in on Anew's location). Setsuna came just in time to stop a vendetta standoff between Anew and Soma Peries. Lyle immediately made a plea for Anew to stop and he surprisingly accepted her offer to come with her. Setsuna took the cue to shoot Lyle and Anew’s genuine concern for him gives an opportunity for Lyle to grab Mileina to safety. Setsuna had a clear shot of Anew, but she ran for it before he could shoot. After making sure Lyle was OK, both Meisters headed to the MS hangar.

Revive had stolen 0 Raiser and Anew took a shuttle to escape and regroup with Innovators. Setsuna/00 and Lockon/Cherudim had difficulty in launching as Ptolemy's systems were still down. While manually releasing Ptolemy's catapult hatch to sortie, Setsuna told Lockon that recovering 0 Raiser was a priority. Lyle/Cherudim acknowledged and grabbed Setsuna/00 in the back to Trans-Am towards 0 Raiser. Not long after, Setsuna and Lockon caught up with Revive/0 Raiser on both sides. Setsuna aimed his gun at Revive and said, That's far enough!" Revive retorted, "Do you really intend to damage your own unit?" Setsuna replied, "We have an excellent strategist." Unknown to Revive, the pink Haro was hiding behind the cockpit of 0 Raiser and distracted him long enough to engage docking mode for 00 Raiser.

Revive couldn't regain control of 0 Raiser's systems in 00 Raiser form. Setsuna told Revive over the com, "Like Lockon said, you're all far from perfect." Revive replied, "Then there's no choice. I'll give up on 0 Raiser, but let me leave you with a little...souvenir!" Revive used a machine gun he had taken earlier and shot up 0 Raiser's control systems. Setsuna realized that the Raiser System had been critically damaged for him to properly operate the Gundam. It was up to Lockon/Cherudim to stop the Innovators as Anew picked up Revive with the stolen shuttle, but his personal feelings got in the way to shoot them down. Setsuna could only watch Lyle frustrated over his feelings while the Innovators escape.

Later back on board Ptolemy, Setsuna found Lyle frustrated over the situation with Anew. Setsuna commented, "She'll appear on the battlefield. I don't think they'll let this opportunity slip away." Lyle replied, "I know. Even without you telling me, I'll do what I have to do. She's an Innovator, our enemy. I just have to pull the trig-" Setsuna interjected to say, "Quit bluffing. If the time comes, I'll pull the trigger. I don't care if you hate me for it." Lyle replied, "Stop trying to show off punk." Setsuna replied, "You have no reason to fight her." Lyle angrily replied, "Of course I do!" Setsuna calmly retorted, "Your reasons not to fight her are stronger." Lyle was frustrated over Setsuna's words, but he had no answer to justify or prove himself.

Shortly after, Healing/Garazzo, Revive/Gadessa, Anew/Gadessa, and Louise/Regnant came back for 00 Gundam. With 0 Raiser still under emergency repair, the remaining three Meisters had to face them without 00 Raiser. Setsuna/00 Raiser could only watch with impatience as his teammates struggled in the battlefield. As Ian just finished repairs on 00 Raiser, Setsuna knew Healing and Revive had broken through their defensive line and the Meisters were in trouble with Louse/Regnant. Setsuna's Innovator senses detected Healing/Garrazo and Revive/Gadessa coming after him. Setsuna fired two beams under the hatch of Ptolemy and the surprise attack caught Healing and Revive off guard to be instantly defeated and fled to safety in their escape pods. Setsuna then freed his comrades from Regnant's tasers and evaded all of Regnant's curving particle beam firing. Setsuna then threw one of his GN Sword II into Regnant's GN Field, as the sword penetrated through the field, he fired his other gun to push the sword through to immobilize Louise/Regnant. Setsuna then executed Trans-Am to save Lyle. Ribbons had just taken over Anew's body to finish off Lockon/Cherudim. Setsuna/00 Raiser quickly darted towards them and finished off Anew/Gaddessa with a single rifle beam shot. Lockon could only watch in horror as the woman he loved was killed by Setsuna.

Back on board Ptolemy, Lyle confronted Setsuna and repeatedly punched him in the face. Setsuna didn't bother to retaliate and let Lyle beat him. Lyle cried out, "You bastard! You bastard! You killed Anew!!" Tieria told Lyle to "Stop it!" Lyle distraughtly replied, "Shut up! She was coming back! She was coming back to us not as an Innovator, but as a human! This is all your fault!!" Lyle kept hitting Setsuna until he broke down on Setsuna's chest. As Setsuna stood there bloodied and Lyle still broken down on his chest, he heard Marina's song and thought, "A voice is resounding...her"

Rendezvous at Lagrange 5

After the altercation with Lockon, Setsuna was alone with Saji in the MS control room. Saji asked, "Was there no other way?" Setsuna answered, "There wasn't. At the time, she...was not Anew Returner." Saji wondered, "How can you be so sure?" Setsuna replied, "I wonder...but I'm confident that I'm right. If I hadn't done that, Lyle Dylandy would be dead." Saji reacted in disbelief. Setsuna continued, "It's the same for Louise Halevy. Something has taken a hold of her...I feel it." Saji pointed out, "Something's been odd about you lately. Has anything happened recent-" Just then, Feldt announced an internal systems check and the lights dropped. Unknown to Setsuna, Saji reacted in shock as Setsuna's eyes were glowing (Setsuna's quantum brainwaves was active).

After the systems check, the ship received a mysterious message to rendezvous at Lagrange 5. The crew was suspicious of the message, but Setsuna insisted to head towards there to meet the unknown messenger (Wang Liu Mei). With Ian's support to go to L5 (another resource satellite nearby) for maintenance and upgrades, Sumeragi relented to head to L5. Due to A-Laws still in pursuit of them, Sumeragi suggested Setsuna to sortie ahead to meet their mysterious messenger while the Ptolemy distracted their pursuers with a longer alternative route. Setsuna agreed and Saji also joined in since it was just a "rescue mission". While Saji went to prepare, Setsuna awkwardly bumped into Lyle in the corridor.

Setsuna wanted to say something, but had no words. Lyle started to say, "Sorry about before. I got too emotional. I'm not fit to be a Meister" Setsuna wanted to explain himself, but Lyle continued, "I'm gonna fight. I'll fight." Setsuna replied, "I understand", and he continued his way to 00 Gundam. While several feet away from Lyle, Setsuna sensed Lyle's intention to shoot him. Rather than reacting to the situation, he tensely continued on knowing he might get shot in the back. Ultimately, Lyle pulled his gun away and Setsuna continued towards 00 Gundam. Shortly after, Setsuna/00 Gundam and Saji/0 Raiser sortied to form 00 Raiser and headed towards L5 to rendezvous with their messenger at the abandoned space colony Eclipse. As Setsuna/00 Raiser flew towards L5, he thought back on Saji's words about his unusual behavior and Neil's words about him changing. Setsuna thought out loud, "I understand. I'll change. Not matter what awaits me at the end."

Meeting at Eclipse
Receiving Veda's coordinates

Some days later, Setsuna and Saji reached Eclipse. Setsuna couldn't enter the colony with 00 Raiser and left Saji at the helm as he ventured inside Eclipse to find meet their mysterious messenger. Setsuna was still cautious as he entered the colony, not sure if it's a trap; not long, he found an injured Wang Liu Mei waiting for him. Liu Mei gave Setsuna the note that contained the coordinates to Veda's core terminal. Setsuna intended to take Liu Mei with him, but even in her condition, Liu Mei declined Setsuna's assistance and told him to immediately find Veda. As Setsuna exited Eclipse, Saji called to his attention to find an unmasked Graham Aker/GNX-Y901TW Susanowo holding a blade towards Saji/00 Raiser.

Accepting Mr. Bushido's Duel

Setsuna recognized the Flag-like unit was the one he had faced earlier in Africa. Graham began talking, "It has been four years, boy." Setsuna could see Mr. Bushido's unmasked face and realized it's the same man he had faced in Azadistan and in space 4-5 years ago. Graham continued, "Boy, if you do not desire the loss of your Gundam, then do as I wish." Setsuna asked, "What do you want?" Graham answered, "An earnest duel!" Setsuna was surprised by his request. Graham continued, "I, Graham Aker, hereby challenge you to a duel!" Setsuna asked, "You want to settle things this badly!?" Graham answered, "Of course! You polluted my skies and stole away my brethren and my honored teacher! The ones who crushed my pride as a Flag Fighter were none other than you and Gundam! Even so, it has already passed loved and transcended hatred...It has become destiny!" Setsuna wondered, "Destiny?" Graham retorted, "Are you ridiculing my whims? However, do not forget that the Gundam were the ones who first performed the armed interventions!" Setsuna reflected in his mind, "This man is still...someone who was distorted by us..." Setsuna answered, "I understand. I accept your duel!" Graham replied, "I want you to give it your all!" Setsuna quickly boarded 00 Raiser and prepared for combat.

Setsuna/00 Raiser and Graham/Susanowo charged at each other and locked in the middle with their swords. Their fight was evenly matched and the two pulled away, Setsuna noticed Louise/Regnant appeared and engaged Nena/Drei nearby. Setsuna wanted Louise to stop as he sensed her hatred and desire for vengeance, but was distracted by duel. Graham charged in and reminded Setsuna, "I believe I told you to give it your all!" As 00 Raiser and Susanowo locked swords again, Setsuna saw Louiset destroying Nena/Drei. The two were still evenly matched in melee combat and both began a beam fire shoot out on the surface of Eclipse. Graham fired a large particle projectile, but Setsuna blocked and flew to higher ground. Both combatants resumed two-sword melee combat. As they fought, Graham commented over the com, "I lived on...I lived on for this! Even if I was reduced to being the Innovators' puppet...! My code of honor is...!" Graham charged again and clashed blades in the middle with Setsuna/00 Raiser. Setsuna retorted, "Going this far..!" Both of them broke away and realized they are still at a stalemate and both engaged their respective Trans-Am Systems for high particle charged melee combat.

From a distance, the two appeared as two burning lights of teal and golden-orange wisps clashing at each other in a spiral manner. Setsuna/00 Raiser and Graham/Susanowo repeatedly charged each other, clashed with their swords, broke off and repeated their attack upwards four times. In between their combat, the concentration of GN particles created the quantum effect and sent both pilot's minds to the quantum ethereal plane. Even though still physically in combat, the two were able to communicate on a telepathic level.

Graham wondered, "Have I already reached Nirvana?" Setsuna answered, "No. This is where the quanta gather." Graham asked, "What nonsense is that!?" Setsuna indirectly replied, "I feel like I understand. Why Aeolia Schenberg created the Gundams. No, why he created the GN Drives." Graham reacted in with surprise. Setsuna continued, "The armed interventions were a preparation for this. Aeolia's goal was to guide mankind through innovation. Yes...I...will transform!" Graham asked, "Transform? That's the zenith which you have realized?" Graham then reflected and said, "Boy, you once said that I was distorted. But even you can do nothing but fight. That is why I wish to do battle with you!" Both Setsuna and Graham returned to reality and continued their duel, locked blades in Trans-Am melee combat.

Graham continued to say, "And reach the zenith which comes with that victory!" Setsuna asked, "You only desire victory!?" Graham retorted, "What else is there!?" Setsuna answered, "It's obvious!" Setsuna/00 Raiser then put his swords together to form GN Sword Staff to strike. Setsuna continued to say, "Then link to the future...tomorrow!" Setsuna then struck his weapon upwards and Graham deflected the attack and disarmed 00 Raiser. Graham/Susanowo was about a meter up-close to 00 Raiser, poised for the final victorious blow. As Graham was about to take his winning move, he told Setsuna, "My apologies for taking your life!" Graham/Susanowo made a vertical downward chop against 00 Raiser and Setsuna countered by clapping onto Susanowo's GN Katana Staff and broke his blade. Setsuna then cried out, "This is my battle!" Setsuna pulled out both his beam sabers and stabbed through both the shoulders of Susanowo. Susanowo overloaded and Graham could no longer engage MS combat. Graham ejected from Susanowo and Setsuna/00 Raiser pointed his left beam saber blade at Graham. Graham cried out, "Fight me boy! Kill me and let me see you claim victory with those hands!" Setsuna deactivated both Trans-Am and his beam saber. Graham shockingly asked, "Why!? Why don't you land the finishing blow!?" Setsuna answered, "I'll live. I'll live and seize tomorrow! That battle. I'll fight to live." Setsuna/00 Raiser departed and left Graham stranded near Eclipse.

As Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser departed, Setsuna asked Saji about Louise's unit. Saji answered, "No signal. I think she must have withdrawn." Saji then thanked Setsuna. Setsuna wondered, "For what?" Saji replied, "I just feel like saying it." Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser later returned to Ptolemy II and reported his findings at Eclipse.

Debriefing & Reaching The Future

Setsuna had a group meeting over his findings. He gave the encrypted message to Feldt to have the coordinates decrypted. As they waited for the decryption, he reported to the crew he received the information from Wang Liu Mei. Shortly, Feldt decrypted the coordinates and revealed Veda’s location, the dark side of the moon (Lagrange 2). When nothing was detected upon sensors, Sumeragi suspected there was more behind the blank image and had Mileina superimposed their star charts over the current coordinates. The results show a large area of space that was blank where there was supposed to be stars. After calculating the discrepancy, Feldt revealed the measurement to be fifteen kilometers in diameter. It’s suspected amongst the crew that something very large is cloaked and hidden near the moon.

In between their meeting, Ptolemy was expected to rendezvous with their lab transport ship for overall maintenance/upgrades to their Gundams and re-supply for the ship. The ship arrived in between their meeting and 00 received GN Sword III as part of its overall maintenance/upgrades.

As their meeting continued, sensors revealed A-Laws have begun amassing upon their intended destination. This only further solidified their beliefs that Veda is indeed hidden at the moon. The problem is now dealing with A-Laws and Innovators to recover Veda. Each and every one of the pilots spoke their feelings and sense of commitment for their upcoming mission. Setsuna told the crew, “We’ll change. If we don’t change, we’ll never reach the future.” With everyone united to recover Veda, Sumeragi announced the crew will soon battle soon as maintenance and resupply is completed. There was still concern over their ability to succeed as they are short of a pilot, but Lasse just returned for duty. With the crew now ready, Setsuna and the Ptolemy crew head towards Lagrange 2.

Battle Towards Lagrange 2
Receiving flower from Feldt

Sometime later, the crew had reached in range of their destination and the Meisters prepared to sortie. As Setsuna headed to the MS container bay, Feldt appeared. Feldt presented Setsuna a desert flower that Linda grew in the lab. Setsuna didn’t show any excitement over the gift, but thanked Feldt for the sentiment. Feldt thought out loud, “I wonder if Marina will get mad at me for this…” Setsuna replied, “I don’t have that kind of relationship with her. I’m going to my Gundam now.” As Setsuna left, Feldt told him, “Don’t die Setsuna!” Setsuna replied, “Roger” and prepared to launch. Setsuna/00 sortied with Saji/0 Raiser to form 00 Raiser for battle.

Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser soon engaged A-Laws in MS melee combat, using his new GN Sword III. As they fought on, Setsuna noticed 3 A-Laws battle-cruisers heading towards Ptolemy II. The Ptolemy bridge crew realized it was a ram/suicide attack upon their ship and Sumeragi had Setsuna execute Raiser Sword to destroy the incoming ships. Setsuna/00 Raiser quickly activated the Trans-Am Raiser to execute Raiser Sword. Setsuna then made a vertical beam saber chop that took out a GNX Ahead and the 3 A-Laws battle-cruisers. Soon as the ships were destroyed, everyone realized the battle-cruisers was a setup. A-Laws filled those ships with particle disruptors that would fill a large area of the battlefield. A second wave of A-Laws soon attacked.

A-Laws then attacked the Gundams and Ptolemy with their GN Missiles. With the particle disputer cloud in the way, Celestial Being was unable to retaliate with beam fire. Everyone was forced to engage melee combat and use only GN Missiles to effectively combat A-Laws. The battle was bleak as A-Laws was overwhelming Celestial Being with their constant barrage of GN Missiles. Just as the situation looked bleak, Katharon suddenly appeared to assist. Because Katharon’s weapons are not powered by GN particles, they were able to use their linear rail guns to fire upon A-Laws. Setsuna/00 Raiser was able to fight back as the rest of A-Laws became confused and distracted with new enemy targets. Because A-Laws lost focus on Celestial Being, Setsuna/00 Raiser was able to fly out of the anti-particle field and attack the A-Laws fleet command cruiser. Setsuna/00 Raiser activated Trans-Am to fire a powerful beam blast that destroyed A-Laws' flagship.

The battle wasn't over, A-Laws was still a formidable force and Setsuna/00 Raiser continued to engage GNX Aheads and assisted the ESF Coup d'état Faction. While engaging enemy mobile suits, Saji warned Setsuna they were being targeted by a A-Laws battlecruiser. The ship fired its particle cannon at Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser, but Setsuna/00 Raiser evaded all shots and destroyed the ship with a single shot. As Setsuna/00 Raiser continues to battle, he noticed Innovators has yet to appear in the battlefield and continues to survey/combat across the combat zone. Suddenly, Setsuna sensed immanent danger. He quickly warned everyone on the com, "Attention all ships! Take evasive action immediately! It's coming! Incoming attack! Some sinister light!" A large and powerful particle beam just fired near the moon (CBS Celestial Being). The particle beam fired in the middle of the combat zone, unbiasedly taking out various MS units and ships from all sides.

In the middle of confusion, a giant asteroid ship decloaked before everyone, CBS Celestial Being. Sensors revealed that Veda is held within Celestial Being. Sumeragi announces to allied forces of their intention of retrieving Veda and taking down Celestial Being. Celestial Being charges forward to their final battle.

Last Mission

Ptolemy and Meisters are now cruising towards Celestial Being. As they are about to confront their greatest challenge, Sumeragi tells everyone over the com, "Everyone, let's go! To atone for how we changed the world. Let's set things right! Let's release the world from the Innovators' rule and change the world again! For the future! Last mission, start!" Setsuna and the rest of Meisters received instructions from Sumeragi to destroy the gun turrets to ensure their invasion route. The Meisters acknowledge their command(s) and began firing upon Celestial Being. The Meisters made progress in destroying the right side turrets of Celestial Being. As Celestial Being cleared half the way to Celestial Being, an unknown MS force sortied out of colony ship, Gaga Forces. Over 500 GNZ-004 Gaga units quickly engaged their Trans-Am and began their kamikaze attack. The Meisters immediately went on the defensive to protect Ptolemy.

Setsuna and the Meisters continued to shoot down as many Gaga units as possible, but were still overwhelmed by their numbers. Ptolemy was almost lost if it weren't for the lab transport crew sacrificing themselves, using the ship to shield against the assault. Combat relief came when the ESF Coup d'état Faction and Katharon provided cover fire to allow the Meisters and Ptolmey to charge through Celestial Being. Soon as Ptolemy made it into Celestial Being's ship dock, each of the Meisters split up to invade the mothership. As Setsuna/00 Raiser continued to engage Gaga Forces, Louise/Regnant and Andrei/Ahead appeared to fight Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser.

Both Andrei/Ahead and Louise/Regnant fired first, but Setsuna/00 Raiser evaded and returned fire. Setsuna/00 Raiser blew out Andrei's right MS leg and Louise/Regnant dispatched her GN Fangs to attack. Setsuna/00 Raiser swiftly destroyed all her fangs and intercepts Louise/Regnant. As Louise/Regnant charges in to attack Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser, Saji attempts to convince Louise to stop fighting for the sake of the future. Louise was still angry, she switched Regnant to MS mode and fired a barrage of GN Missiles on Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser. Setsuna/00 Raiser evaded by flying upwards, but Andrei/Ahead fired several beam shots above. Setsuna/00 Raiser also evaded the particle beams and destroyed Andrei's GN Shield. Louise/Regnant quickly fired her tasers and gave Setsuna and Saji and powerful electrical shock. Louise/Regnant followed up by firing her particle cannon on Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser. Setsuna/00 Raiser quickly deployed the GN Field to shield against the particle beam. Louise/Regnant then grabbed 00 Raiser and said, "There will be no more running for you, Gundam!" Saji is still trying to negotiate with Louise, but she's not willing to listen. Louise/Regnant restrained 00 Raiser for the Gaga units to kamikaze into them. Louise was willing to do a double suicide tactic if it means to destroy Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser. Saji took control of 00 Raiser to fire Micro GN Missiles to stop the incoming attack, but one Gaga unit still impacted upon them. Setsuna/Saji/00 Raiser survived the fight. Saji was knocked out in between and Setsuna/00 Raiser recovered Louise from the damaged Regnant. Setsuna then woke up Saji and had him take Louise somewhere safe as he detected incoming enemies, Innovators.

Setsuna/00 Raiser engaged Hiling/Garazzo and Revive/Gadessa. Both of the Innovators were switching in between diversionary tactics for melee and heavy fire in attempts to defeat Setsuna/00 Raiser. Setsuna/00 Raiser evaded and returned fire, inflicting minor damage to his opponents. Hiling/Garazzo and Revive/Gadessa then engaged Trans-Am in attempt for a decisive victory. Setsuna/00 Raiser suffered minor hits from Garazzo's vulcan beam fire. Revive/Gadessa kicked Setsuna/00 Raiser in the chest and fired his GN Mega Launcher. Setsuna/00 Raiser quickly engaged Trans-Am to evade the particle beam attack. With Raiser System in effect, Setsuna was able to sense the impending demise of all his friends. Hiling/Garazzo charged in and pushed Setsuna/00 Raiser onto the asteroid surface of Celestial Being. As Setsuna/00 Raiser attempts to push back Hiling/Garazzo, Setsuna reflects, "Everyone's lives are fading away!" With only his will, Setsuna cried out, "You think I'll let that happen!?" Suddenly, 00 Raiser's biometric sensors detected Setsuna's Innovator abilities and activated the hidden Trans-Am Burst System. 00 Raiser's GN Drives, while still in Trans-Am, hyper-accelerated GN particle generation. The powerful burst of pure GN particles repelled both Hiling/Garazzo and Revive/Gadessa and jammed their quantum brainwaves. In a tactical disadvantage, Hiling/Garazzo and Revive/Gadessa retreated as the battlefield is saturated with GN particles. Setsuna's mind reflected on Lockon's words about change and Setsuna thought out loud, "Yes, in order to create the future...We will change!!" The quantum effect of the GN particles helped each of Setsuna's comrades survive their individual ordeals to succeed in their mission for Veda.

Setsuna/00 Raiser later infiltrated Celestial Being to recover Veda. Setsuna left 00 Raiser behind in one of the docking bays to find Veda. With Trans-Am Burst deactivated, the GN particle cloud dispersed into space. Setsuna entered the terminal room, looking out for possible enemies, only to find Tieria's body dangling in zero gravity. To Setsuna's shock, he found Tieria had died from multiple gunshot wounds. Setsuna sadly said, "I'll avenge you." To Setsuna's surprise, he hears Tieria's voice, "It will be a pain if you decide to kill me arbitrarily." Setsuna asked out loud, "Where? Where are you Tieria?" Tieria answered, "Right now, my consciousness is completely linked to Veda." Setsuna look upwards at Veda and Tieria continued, "I think I'm glad I was an, an Innovade. Because I was able to save you all with my abilities. By linking with Veda, I was able to learn everything. Now I'll tel you everything about Aeolia's plan...Our armed interventions, even though they were full of contradictions, were meant to urge the world into uniting. Even if we were destroyed, we were to unify mankind's will. That was to prevent mankind from exploring deep space with conflict still in their hearts. If mankind does not change, it will not be able to weave a future for itself. To be prepared for the dialogues we will eventually have with others. For that, we...require understanding." After learning the truth behind Aeolia's true intentions, Setsuna left Celestial Being to regroup with Ptolemy. Setsuna/00 Raiser left Celestial Being and flew towards Ptolemy. As he was flying, he thought about Tieria's explanation about Aeolia's plan and the need for mutual understanding. As he flew toward the rear of Celestial Being, he saw GN-009 Seraphim Gundam still using Trial System to paralyze Gaga Forces and Innovators. Just then, Seraphim gets shot down by an unknown enemy. Setsuna looked around and found Ribbons Almark in his custom made Gundam, CB-0000G/C Reborns Gundam/Reborns Cannon.

Final Confrontation

Ribbons appeared behind Celestial Being and told Setsuna, "I'd like you to thank me. After all, the one who let you attain that power was me, Setsuna F. Seiei." Setsuna retorted, "You acted like my savior, my guide, and now you face me acting like God!?" Ribbons replied, "No, I am God." Setsuna asked, "You want to rule over humanity that badly!?" Ribbons replied, "If I don't, then mankind will never end its fighting and perish. I am its messiah!" Setsuna retorted, "You don't intend to walk along with us!? You don't want to understand us at all!?" Ribbons replied, "Humans placed themselves in the position to be herded like animals. Besides...If I overcome you, someone who became a true Innovator, my system shall become solidified." Setsuna angrily responded, "Your ego is distorting the world! I'll destroy the rebirth you've created!" Ribbons replied, "That's fine determination!" Both Setsuna/00 Raiser and Ribbons/Reborns Cannon charged at each other for MS combat.

Ribbons/Reborns Cannon fired several volleys of particle beams from his chest GN Cannons and then a powerful particle beam blast from his GN Rifle; Setsuna/00 Raiser evaded the initial assault. Setsuna wants to retaliate, but the Raiser System was still charging and forced to go on the defensive. Ribbons/Reborns Cannon fired his left Egner Whip, but Setsuna/00 Raiser evaded. Ribbons/Reborns Cannon then continues to fire and Setsuna/00 Raiser keeps evading. Setsuna/00 Raiser charged through Ribbons' barrage for GN Sword strike. Ribbons countered by striking back with his own beam saber. Setsuna/00 Raiser was rebounded onto the asteroid surface of Celestial Being. To Setsuna's surprise, Reborns Cannon transformed into Reborns Gundam, revealing its Twin Drive System.

Ribbons told Setsuna, "It would be a problem if you think you're the only one who has the Twin Drive System. That and this suit is certainly the Gundam that will guide humanity!" Setsuna/00 Raiser and Ribbons/Reborns Gundam charged at each other and locked in sword combat; Setsuna/00 Raiser had difficulty pushing back. They broke off and Reborns Gundam switched back to Reborns Cannon to fire a volley of particle beams. Setsuna/00 Raiser attempted to evade, but lost his right MS leg. Ribbons/Reborns Gundam gave chase as Setsuna/00 Raiser continued to evade Ribbons' assault. Setsuna/00 Raiser attempted to charge up to Ribbons/Reborns Gundam to strike, but gotten his right MS binder tip partially cut off. As Setsuna/00 Raiser continues to evade enemy fire, Setsuna noticed another incoming beam attack (Gadessa's GN Mega Launcher attack) and barely evaded the attack. Hiling/Garazzo and Hiling/Gadessa had come to support Ribbons.

As Ribbons/Reborns Cannon continued to fire upon Setsuna/00 Raiser, Hiling/Garazzo and Hiling/Gadessa attacked with the same offensive guile tactic earlier. Setsuna/00 Raiser started having trouble keeping track of incoming enemy attacks as the fight is three vs one. Hiling/Garazzo distracted Setsuna enough to give Revive/Gadessa an opening to fire his GN Mega Launcher upon him. Setsuna/00 Raiser couldn't evade the incoming beam attack, but was saved just in time by Cherudim's shield bits. The shield bits blocked the incoming beam long enough for Setsuna/00 Raiser to evade. Lockon/Cherudim and Allelujah/Hallelujah/Arios arrived to assist. Allelujah/Hallelujah/Arios took on Hiling/Garazzo while Lockon/Cherudim took on Revive/Gadessa. With the battle now fought on equal terms, Setsuna resumed his fight with Ribbons.

Setsuna/00 Raiser clashed swords with Ribbons/Reborns Gundam. While fighting, Ribbons just witnessed the destruction of Hiling/Garazzo. To prevent Allelujah/Hallelujah/Arios become a threat to him, Ribbons dispatched four of his GN Fin Fangs upon Arios and 00 Raiser. Allelujah/Hallelujah/Arios attempted to shoot down the 2 Fangs, but the Fangs kamikaze into Arios's chest, disabling the unit from further combat. Setsuna/00 Raiser performed better and cut down the remaining 2 Fangs with his GN Sword III. Ribbons/Reborns Gundam was about to shoot Setsuna/00 Raiser when Ptolemy II appeared to provide cover fire. The assistance was weak as Ribbons/Reborns Gundam evaded and returned fire in Reborns Cannon form. Ptolemy suffered major engine damage, but was still able to launch smoke missiles to temporarily blind Ribbons/Reborns Cannon to assist Setsuna.

Setsuna/00 Raiser took advantage of the smoke to flank his position and charged in. Ribbons/Reborns Cannon caught on and launched 2 more Fangs as he switched to Reborns Gundam form. The Fangs kamikaze into 00 Raiser's left arm, causing some damage, but Setsuna/00 Raiser was still able to charge through to chop off Reborns Gundam's right MS arm. The two once again charged in to attack and locked together in sword combat. As the two tried to push through each other off with their swords, Ribbons told Setsuna, "You only have that power because you were blessed with the original GN Drives!" Ribbons/Reborns Cannon pushed Setsuna/00 Raiser away and continued to say, "Return them to me!" Setsuna replied, "Who would!?" Both opponents exchanged beam firing, but evaded and returned fire. Ribbons switched back to Reborns Gundam form and said, "Yes...without them, my creation is meaningless...As well as my existence!" Just at that moment, Tieria's consciousness appeared (through Veda) to appeal to Ribbons. Because Ribbons was temporarily distracted, Setsuna/00 Raiser was able to land an a kick and fire a barrage of beams to further damage Reborns Gundam. Ribbons/Reborns Gundam then switched to Trans-Am and Setsuna/00 Raiser followed.

Ribbons/Reborns Gundam unleashed his 4 GN Fin Fangs to assist him in melee combat with Setsuna/00 Raiser. Setsuna/00 Raiser managed to fend off the cannon bits, but one managed to blow off 00 Raiser's head off. The last bit tried to charge through 00 Raiser, but Setsuna/00 Raiser quantized and flanked Ribbons' position. Setsuna/00 Raiser was able to do serious damage to back of Reborns Gundam, but Ribbons was able to turn around and chop off 00 Raises's left arm and stole a GN Drive (0 Gundam's) while 00 Raiser overloaded from battle damage. Shortly after, Ribbons abandoned Reborns Gundam and managed to refit 0 Gundam's GN Drive onto 0 Gundam. Setsuna woke up and tried to grab the flower Feldt gave him earlier when he noticed a familiar image coming to intercept him. Ian just dispatched GN-001REII Gundam Exia Repair II for Setsuna to use in battle.

Setsuna transferred over to Exia-R2 and installed his remaining GN Drive to power Exia-RII. Not long after, Ribbons/0 Gundam returned in an to retrieve the other GN Drive, only to find 00 Raiser abandoned. Setsuna/R2 appears above Ribbons/0 Gundam and says, "Gundam Exia! Setsuna F. Seiei! Cutting through the future!" Ribbons was irritated and retorts, "You inferior human!" Ribbons/0 Gundam attempts to shoot down Setsuna/R2 with his GN Beam Rifle, but Setsuna/R2 evaded all shots and slammed Ribbons/0 Gundam onto Celestial Being's asteroid surface. Ribbons/0 Gundam recovers and fly away as he shoots back at Setsuna/R2. Setsuna/R2 gives chase and continues to evade his shots and blocked some of them with his GN Sword Kai. Setsuna/R2 switched his sword to rifle mode and destroyed 0 Gundam's beam rifle. Ribbons/0 Gundam then resorted to MS brawling. Ribbons/0 Gundam punched Setsuna/R2 3 times in the MS face, but grabbed the fourth punch and throw him down to the ground. Setsuna/R2 then grabbed his beam saber and charged in for a vertical slash upon 0 Gundam, exposing Ribbons' cockpit. Ribbons/0 Gundam quickly pulled out his beam saber and made a horizontal slash that also exposed Setsuna's cockpit. Setsuna/R2 and Ribbons/0 Gundam recovered and both decided to settle this match with classic showdown.

Setsuna after the final blow

Ribbons/0 Gundam threw away his Gundam Shield and charged more power to his GN Beam Saber while Setsuna/R2 brought out his GN Sword Kai. Exia-R2's GN Drive went into burst mode and charged at full speed into 0 Gundam. Both pilots aimed for each others cockpit to settle the fight. Setsuna/R2 made the victorious blow that destroyed 0 Gundam. Ribbons/0 Gundam also stabbed through R2's torso, but missed the cockpit by a few inches. 0 Gundams destruction sent Setsuna/R2 hurdling into space, knocking out Setsuna unconscious, as the flower flew out of his cockpit towards Earth. Ribbons' defeat was never confirmed, but Setsuna won the battle. He and the rest of the Meisters were subsequently recovered by the Ptolemy crew for MS repairs and medical aid.


With A-Laws and Innovators defeated, peace as returned throughout the solar system, as a reformed Federation disbands the A-Laws and return the sovereignty to the nations they subjugated. Setsuna along with the Ptolemy crew returned to Earth for some unfinished business. After leaving behind Saji, Louise, Allelujah, and Marie/Soma, the remaining Ptolemy crew sets course to space (presumably towards one of their resource satellites). On board Ptolemy II, Setsuna tells the crew, "Let's go. We still have work to do." Feldt agreed, "We have to look after the world everyone gave their lives to change." Setsuna thinks in his mind, "We're Celestial Being. People who aim to end war. Even if it means rejection from the world, we'll continue to confront it! Even if it means the use of force, we'll live as a deterrence for the world. That's why we must continue to exist. For the future..." Setsuna is last seen Trans-Am-jetting towards space.

Rebuilding Celestial Being

After their epic battle, Celestial Being returned to MS development to anticipate potential future threats towards the peace of Earth and their own organization. Setsuna aided in the reconstruction of Celestial Being.

Weapons Testing

Setsuna/00 Gundam Seven Sword G destroying an A-Laws GNX-III with the GN Sword II Blaster

After leaving Earth, 00 Gundam was later salvaged and sent to one of CB's L-point satellites for repairs; one of 00's GN Drive had been destroyed and therefore 00 was unable to fully utilize the Twin Drive System. 00 Gundam was refitted with a GN Condenser to one of its GN Drive shoulder mounts to compensate for its high particle requirements. Ian and CB engineers developed a brand new weapon for testing, the GN Sword II Blaster. Ian needed data for overall weapons testing and understanding of Setsuna's quantum brainwaves to develop,  he had Setsuna sortie with the newly developed GN Sword II Blaster along with the Seven Sword package/equipment for MS development. Unexpectedly, Setsuna/00 Seven Sword G encountered an A-Laws GNX-III unit. It was possible that some pockets of A-Laws units had refused to disband, so the unit was deemed a threat. Matters leading up to their engagement is unclear, but Setsuna/00 Seven Sword G defeated the unit and later returned to base.


  • Note: The dynamics behind all relationships within the series aren't completely defined. Only what was observed in the series has been described.

Celestial Being

Setsuna shows unconditional loyalty towards Celestial Being. Setsuna's loyalty has such an extent that he wants to embody the eradication of war himself along with his Gundam. Setsuna would not hesitate to give his life to achieve the eradication of conflicts.

Aeolia Schenberg

Though Setsuna has obviously never met Aeolia Schenberg, he believes in his philosophy and served his organization as a Gundam Meister. It was Aeolia's system trap that activated the Trans-Am system that saved Setsuna from Ali Al Saachez.


Veda, Celestial Being's supercomputer, was the AI that approved of Setsuna to be the pilot of Gundam Exia. Though Veda and Setsuna have no real bond with each other, Veda is interlinked with Exia. It is later revealed that the one who made Veda recommend/select Sestuna was Ribbons Almark, after being impressed with Setsuna's face of admiration towards 0 Gundam.

Gundam Meisters

Lockon Stratos
Neil Dylandy

Lockon was something of an older brother to Setsuna during the first half of the series. Often working together on missions, Setsuna felt close to Lockon. Later on, it was revealed that Lockon Stratos' parents and sister were killed by a KSPA terrorist attack, the same organization that Setsuna was a part of with Ali Al-Saachez. Lockon confronted Setsuna over the situation, drew his sidearm and demanded justice, to allow him to avenge his family. Setsuna did not attempt to dissuade Lockon from his intentions, stating that he believed that Lockon would change the world in his stead. However, Lockon noted that the real enemy was Ali Al-Saachez, not Setsuna.

Later on, during the GN-X's assault on the Ptolemaios, Lockon was injured after a beam saber assault struck his cockpit while defending Tieria Erde. Injured almost gravely, Lockon lost his right eye, mainly used for targeting during sniping. When a second assault by the GN-Xs occurred, Lockon sortied in the repaired Gundam Dynames. Ali Al-Saachez, who was piloting the hijacked GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei, engaged Lockon in combat and both defeated each other near simultaneously. Setsuna, who was returning from Earth, attempted to retrieve and save Lockon. However, the GN Arms component nearby Lockon's drifting form exploded before he could be reached, killing Lockon. Setsuna mourned Lockon's death along with many other members of the crew.

Lyle Dylandy

After Neil's death, there was a need for a replacement Gundam Meister and Setsuna thought Neil's brother. Setsuna chose Lyle because they both have similar feelings about changing the world and it would be fitting to have his little brother replace him. Lyle comes to slowly respect Setsuna and to follow his lead until he kills Anew Returner to prevent Lyle's death. Lyle then resents Setsuna for this, almost shooting him in the back at one point, but finally declining to do so. It is unknown whether Lyle has or will ever forgive Setsuna over this sensitive matter.

Tieria Erde

Tieria and Setsuna were never exceptionally close. Even in the beginning, Tieria disapproved of Setsuna's being chosen to become a Gundam Meister for his extremely young age. Throughout the series, Tieria and Setsuna are loathe to work together, and Tieria typically considers Setsuna to be unfit for his position. However, the two have shown capacity to be considerable allies, notably during the desert assault of episode 15. At this point, it was a likely possibility that the two could become friends, but upon Lockon Stratos' death, Tieria lashed out at Setsuna, blaming him for Lockon's death. Sumeragi Lee Noriega had to intervene.

After the interlude between seasons, Tieria seems to be very glad of Setsuna's return. From this poin on, they both share a renewed relationship of respect and trust. Tieria even becomes responsive to Setsuna's de facto leadership, something that would have been unthinkable in the past. When Tieria is killed by Ribbons, Setsuna swears to revenge him, but Tieria dissuades him by telling that he will live on as a part of Veda.

Allelujah Haptism

Setsuna and Allelujah did not seem to interact very much, apart from the typical battle forecast meetings by Sumeragi Lee Noriega in which both had to be present simultaneously. Neither were seen to be dismissed as a pair during missions, such pairings instead being Lockon/Setsuna or Tieria/Allelujah. During Allelujah's missing in action period Setsuna showed real concern for him and was later relieved and happy when Allelujah was found along with Mary Parfacy.

Crew of the Ptolemaios / Ptolemaios II

Ptolemaios was Celestial Being's general purpose Mobile Suit transport and the command center for the interventions.

Sumeragi Lee Noriega

As commander of tactical operations, Setsuna always carries a planned assault from Sumeragi. Interestingly it's the other Gundam Meister's that are more strict with Setsuna than herself. They maintain a friendly/professional relationship. Sumeragi shows concern towards Setsuna, as with the other members of Celestial Being. After her separation form Celestial Being, when Setsuna comes to pick her up, she is shocked because she thought Setsuna had died in the battle against the UN forces. After this, Sumeragi is pushed by Setsuna to rejoin Celestial Being. At the beginning she acts hesitant; but at the end she is able to find her determination inspired by Setsuna and her fellow CB members.

Christina Sierra

Though they aren't close, Christina kindly covered up for Setsuna when he used Gundam Exia to visit Marina Ismail in Azadistan without authorization. They're in constant contact only during missions because she's one of tactical coordinators. She wouldn't bother talking to Setsuna if it weren't business related, but the same cannot be affirmed of Setsuna. During the meeting with Team Trinity she stated that she hated Nena Trinity (who had just kissed Setsuna) at which Lasse wondered if she liked Setsuna; but she said it was not about that.

Feldt Grace

Feldt and Setsuna did not interact much prior to Lockon's passing. Even afterwards, the two did not seem to grow considerably closer. However, they did share a moment while standing at the cockpit of Lockon's Gundam Dynames after his death. There, Feldt shared that she had written a letter to Lockon, and told his Haro to stay with him and keep him from growing lonely. She then asked Setsuna if he wanted to write a letter to anyone, but he declined.

She is later shown to be relieved and glad that Setsuna is alive during the beginning of season 2. Later, at some point during the season, Feldt has apparently developed feelings for Setsuna. While going towards Lagrange 2 and after Setsuna's touching speech about the need to 'change oneself in order to change the furture Feldt's confirmed the latter when she gives Setsuna a flower. Feldt states that Marina could get angry for this, but Setsuna explains that he does not have "that kind" of relationship with Marina. Feldt then begs him not to die, which he promises to do. If he will reply to her feelings, is yet to be seen in the Gundam 00 Movie.

Lasse Aeon

Lasse and Setsuna, late in the series, were paired as partners given Lasse's great capability of piloting the GN Arms Type-E. Setsuna seems to respect Lasse, and vice versa, as the two have proven capable pilots when working together. They did not seem exceptionally close, but Setsuna did appear somewhat panicked when attempting to confirm Lasse's condition after the cockpit of the GN Arms Type-E exploded during the final battle with Alejandro Corner's Alvatore mobile armor. During season 2 their mutual respect and admiration relationship continues.

Lichtendahl Tsery

They have a friendly/professional relationship, however Setsuna was never the talkative time so there was little interaction between the two of them.

Ian Vashti

Setsuna's idolizes his Gundam and while he might not show his gratitude to Ian, he is indeed grateful for Ian's maintenance and upgrades for his Exia. They have a professional/friendly relationship of mutual respect and esteem.

Joyce Moreno

Though the Ptolemy's doctor, he doesn't appear to have any contact with Setsuna. They likely had a professional/friendly relationship.

Marie Parfacy

Though enemies during season 1, they never interacted. They first met in person in season 2 when Allelujah brought her back to Ptoleamaios II. After this they most likely shared a professional/friendly relationship.

Team Trinity

Johann Trinity

Johann maintains a professional attitude with Setsuna as he is the more mature member of Team Trinity. However he is not above using mind tricks to disrupt the unity with the other Meisters when he revealed Setsuna's link with Lockon's vengeance.

Michael Trinity

He dislikes Setsuna strongly because his sister Nena likes him. He doesn't understand why his sister would like Setsuna, and he "itches" to eliminate him.

Nena Trinity

She was the one who saved Setsuna during the Taklamaran desert intervention. She was impressed by Setsuna's reckless actions and on the first meeting face-to-face, she went at him for a kiss. Setsuna however didn't like Nena's kiss at all and shoved her off. After this she regretted kissing him because he had engaged with Team Trinity and labeled them as a source of conflict. When Ali Al-Saachez was nearly about to end her life, Setsuna intervened to save her. It is unlikely that Setsuna has feelings for Nena. She is the only female in Gundam 00 that has shown romantic feelings towards Setsuna directly.

In season 2 Nena, in Riian, provided Setsuna with cover fire giving him a chance to slice of the Gadessa's right arm before he retreated. Due to the red beams Setsuna knew the cover fire had something to do with a fake GN drive. He later came face-to-face with Nena again when he was surveying the supposed wreckage of Ptolemy II. She acts with him in a flirtatious way, noting how handsome he is, prompting him to nearly shoot her. Her flirtatious acting towards him shows that Nena still has romantic feelings for Setsuna despite what happened between them in the past.

Agents & Observers

They are the people in charge of providing support and aid to Celestial Being. Some work in direct contact with Gundam Meisters (agents) and others act as supervisors (observers).

Wang Liu Mei

As a Celestial Being agent, Wang provided Setsuna (along with the other Meisters) with aid and support. They did not share any kind of special relationship besides this. During their rendezvous at Lagrange 5 Setsuna wanted to aid her escape but she refused (only to meet her death).

Hong Long

He was a Celestial Being agent under Wang's orders. He once collaborated with Setsuna during the rescue of Massoud Rachmadi. Besides this they do not share any other kind of relationship.

Alejandro Corner

As a Celestial Being observer, Alejandro Corner did not like Setsuna's way of acting. In episode 14 Alejandro is shown criticizing Setsuna's intervention in Azadistan branding him as a martyr. During Operation Fallen Angels, it was Alejandro who engaged Setsuna with the mobile armor Alvatore; but Setsuna finally managed to defeat him.

Kingdom of Azadistan

When the Republic of Krugis was still an independent nation, Azadistan started a war with their neighboring Middle Eastern country. Azadistan was better equipped in weapons and eventually the Republic of Krugis was destroyed and forcefully merged with Azadistan. While people of Kurdish descent were granted citizenship in Azadistan, they weren't welcomed by the Azadistan locals. Setsuna has mixed feelings when it comes to Azadistan's past actions against the Republic of Krugis due to the painful deaths in his life.

Marina Ismail

Marina met Setsuna by chance because she thought she was helping out a fellow Azadistan countryman during her diplomatic mission in Scotland. To her mistake she helped out citizen that was formally part of the Republic of Krugis, making their later conversation awkward. This conversation did not end up well; Setsuna revealed his code name identity as a Gundam Meister and warned her Celestial Being would come if conflict continues there. However Marina never revealed this information.

Though not true friends at the beginning, Setsuna held respect for her as a person trying to find peace and solutions to Azadistan's development issues, walking a path different than his. During Setsuna's return to Azadistan, he helped her restore peace by rescuing their conservative leader, Massoud Rachmadi in a heroic non-confrontation mission. He returned not long some other day in the middle of the night, asking her questions about the lesser aspects of humanity, questions like "why is the world distorted, misguided (or twisted, depending on translation). Before he sortied on his final mission, he wrote a letter to her. Marina was genuinely concerned and was touched by Setsuna's possibly post death letter.

In season 2, after Setsuna had rescued Marina and taken her back to Ptolemy, Mileina Vashti asked if she and Setsuna were lovers but both, without any hesitation or embarrassment, denied it. After apologizing for drawing her into trouble, Setsuna and Marina grow considerably closer. They now constantly debate and talk about war and peace. Marina even asked if Setsuna wanted to join her to rebuild Azadistan, but he refused saying that he could do no more than fighting. Marina is genuinely saddened for Setsuna's sad and tragic lifestyle.

Setsuna later entrusts Marina Ismail to Katharon's care. After some time they meet once again when Setsuna came back injured from the battle with Ali Al-Saachez. After receiving medical treatment and after waking up from recovery, they share an intimate moment in which they talk about themselves and their lives. Marina implores Setsuna to find the way of changing the world without fighting (the way Setsuna said he had been looking along with his Gundam in his letter) The mood in the room gets so close and intimate that Katharon's orphan children go out embarrassed saying that Setsuna and Marina got "lovey-dovey". Before parting away once more, Setsuna says that when they meet again he wants to hear the children sing Marina's song, at which she replies that Setsuna has to take care.

Rasa Massoud Rachmadi

He is a leader to the conservatives and the opposition in Azadistan. He acts as a deterrence of war in Azadistan. Setsuna brought him back from the clutches of Ali Al Saachez. He flew in with Exia, un-armed, and in good faith returned Rachmadi, who was deeply thankful towards him.

Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations


It is not revealed if Setsuna chose Japan as his home base of operations or Celestial Being designated it for strategic purposes. Setsuna lives there alone in a single apartment with no more than a simple bed where he often reflects or exercises until the next mission. It is hinted that Soran was given a Japanese code name by Celestial Being so he would fit better in there.

Saji Crossroad

He is Setsuna's next door neighbor, and he is ignorant to Setsuna's true identity until four years later. From the beginning Saji tried to be nice and polite towards Setsuna, but he was soon disappointed to find out his cold and taciturn personality. However he keeps trying to reach Setsuna and more than one time he tries to establish a relationship with him. The two of them lost contact during the five years interlude between seasons.

After being rescued by Setsuna in Proud Colony and after having learned his real identity, he vents that Setsuna destroyed everything he held dear and asks why he still fights. Setsuna says he has his reasons and doesn't care if Saji hates him. After the Katharon base incident, Saji tries to make up to his sins by piloting the 0 Raiser. After Saji becomes the pilot of the 0 Raiser, Setsuna convinces Saji to fight in order to save Louise from the grip of the Innovators.

At the end of the second 2, Saji was fully conscious about Celestial Being and the circumstances around Setsuna; so he became more considerate and understanding towards him. In one scene, after being moved by Setsuna's selfless acting and determination, Saji even thanked him because he felt he had to do it. When the Trans-Am Burst system was activated during the Lagrange 2 battle, Saji had no doubt that the pure and warm light was the light from Setsuna's heart, the light that would lead humanity to a better future.

Graham Aker

Graham was among the first characters to behold a Celestial Being intervention. From the very begining Graham was awed by Setsuna/Exia's outstanding performance. This admiration soon evolved into obsession, as Graham started making constant exertions to face and defeat Gundam Exia. When Graham first met Setsuna in person (during the Azadistan incident) Graham had spotted him eavesdropping his conversation with Billy Katagiri. Graham immediately noticed that Setsuna was not a common guy; and he even leaked some information under this suspicions.

His obsession soon reached the point where he claimed that his towards Gundam feeling was love. This obsession worsened when his comrades were killed, this is when his feeling became hatred. At his final confrontation with Setsuna/Exia, Graham confirmed that Setsuna was not a common guy indeed. At this final confrontation Graham stated that it was destiny what linked him to Setsuna/Exia.

Advanced European Union

Ali Al-Saachez

He is the former leader of the terrorist organization KSPA. He was the one brainwashed Setsuna (and the other Krugis children) as a child and turned him into a child soldier under the guise of religion. As a consequence of this, Setsuna even killed his parents to prove his devotion towards God. This is why Ali has greatly impacted Setsuna, causing him to harbor a general disbelief towards religion and peace talks.

Ali trained Setsuna in an undisclosed martial art, and this in turn it is used by Setsuna mainly when he pilots the Exia. Having met once again on the battlefield during the Moralia intervention, Setsuna exited his cockpit to confirm his opponent was Ali, he wanted to know where his God was but he only found out that Ali was a man obsessed with fighting and blood-spilling.

Meeting at other times, Setsuna fiercely battled the man, but was never able to defeat him during season 1. Setsuna's hatred for Ali grew when he killed Lockon Stratos; and he was latter shocked to find out that Ali had not died. After the battle of Memento Mori, Setsuna got separated from Ptolemy and he went into Earth to look for them. It was then that he met Ali again. After refusing Ribbons request for 00 Gundam, Setsuna faced once more Ali; but this time he was victorious thanks to 00 Raiser. Setsuna was about to kill Ali but he hesitated at the last moment when he heard Marina's song and therefore spared Ali's life.

Human Reform League

Sergei Smirnov

When Setsuna assaulted a remaining Ceylon base, Sergei took a high mobility Tieren to face him in melee combat. Sergei proved to be a tough opponent, having caught Setsuna off guard by grabbing Exia's face, determined to take it back as a trophy. However, Setsuna uses Exia's beam sabers to disable his unit and finally beats Sergei.

Earth Sphere Federation


Louise Halevy

She was Saji's girlfriend and met Setsuna through him. They did not have any kind of friendly relationship as they never shared a formal conversation. After Mrs. Halevy (Louise's mom) went back from her visit to Spain, Saji invited Setsuna to his place because he thought that more people would help Louise to feel better. This did not seem to work and infuriated by her crying, Setsuna asked why she was acting that way. She said she was feeling alone, at which Setsuna replied that she could meet her mom anytime as she was not dead. After this Louise childishly called Setsuna a moron and told Saji that she did not like Setsuna.

After the five years interlude between seasons, Louise met Setsuna once again during the A-Laws Elite Banquet. She immediately recognized him. She even recalled his name and it can be said that she was even somehow happy to see him again (as she remembered the old, good times). This time they held a formal conversation and Louise acted differently from her immature self of the past. Even after learning Setsuna's true identity, she did not seem to hold a grudge or hatred against him.

Mr. Bushido

Mr. Bushido (formerly Graham Aker) is one of Setsuna's greatest foes in season 2. After becoming Mr. Bushido, he found the determination to defeat Setsuna in honorable battle. Mr. Bushido was even given a special license which authorized him to do as he pleased (just like a one-man-army) and he took this as an advantage to face 00 Gundam every time he could.

He finally lost his final battle against Setsuna; and he was about to suicide (according to what Bushido stated). However he hesitated when remembering Setsuna's final words to him: "I will fight to live on". At the end he did not hate or despise Setsuna and called his fate link with him as an unavoidable destiny.


Ribbons Almark

Though Setsuna didn't know it at the time as a child fighting for the Republic of Krugis, Ribbons was his savior, the one pilot 0 Gundam, who had destroyed all the MS in the area. Though he was supposed to eliminate all witnesses, Ribbons spared Setsuna's life, seeing that the young boy's look to be admiration and awe. Ribbons later used Veda to recommend him as a Gundam Meister. Fourteen years later, Ribbons attempted to use this fact to compel Setsuna to hand over 00 Raiser, but Setsuna refused.

Regene Regetta

Though never meeting in the whole series, Regene is shown keeping track of Setsuna's actions. Regene, after realizing that Ribbons had diverted from Aeolia's plan, betrays the Innovators and supports Celestial Being behind the scenes. Regene is the one that noticed when Setsuna evolved to a genuine Innovator and it can be inferred that Regene's intentions were fulfilled.

Bilder Galerie


  • Coincedentally, both Setsuna's Japanese and English voice actors have also voiced Death Note character Light Yagami. Setsuna's Japanese voice actor, Mamoru Miyano, has also won the "Best voice actor award" for this two roles.
  • In the first ending theme Setsuna appears eating an apple in clear reference to Miyano's role as Light Yagami.
  • Also, Setsuna's English voice actor Brad Swaile plays Amuro Ray from the original Mobile Suit Gundam series.
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